Chapter 46

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- A m a r a R u s s o -

"Dumb girl." the shadow hissed, its dark presence looming over me as it sneered down at my trembling form.

"I'm sorry," I whimpered, "It just got out of control."

"Tsk," the voice huffed, "Out of control, right."

"No, I'm serious." I pleaded, "I'm sorry."

"Yeah, you're sorry." the voice said patronizingly. "How the hell do you think we are supposed to clean up the mess when you just let them see your weakness, huh?"

I shrunk into myself, wrapping my arms around my legs as I huddled in my own cocoon of warmth.

"You are such an idiot." the voice spat, "I have no idea how you are going to survive. Showing them your vulnerability like that, no wonder people take advantage of you."

Their words sent jagged pieces of ice straight into my heart, creating a huge wound that probably wouldn't ever heal.

I should've known that even the voice would betray me in the end. Everyone does, and I shouldn't have hoped for anything else.

The shadow scoffed, giving me a smug smirk. "You shouldn't have." it agreed.

"Yeah, I know." I mumbled under my breath. "No need to rub salt in the bleeding wound."

"Nah," the shadow dismissed, waving a hand. "It's entertaining, watching you get so crushed that everyone betrayed you. I mean, we didn't want to at first, but we thought that we couldn't be the one breaking the chain, right?"


"You're right," the voice agreed, "That was a bullshit excuse."

Wow. Not even trying to deny it.

Amazing. Note the sarcasm.

"I don't like you." I murmured, casting hateful glances at the shadow who was picking at her nails.

"I never asked for you to like me." the shadow retorted, giving me looks of smugness, a look that I just wanted to wipe off of her and shove back up her smoky ass.

"You're so mean." I whispered, letting my head rest on my arms as I closed my eyes, praying just to get away from the shadow.

"Even if you do awaken," the shadow hummed, "We'll still be with you, everywhere you go."

I had no idea how the hell I found this comforting before as now, they sounded like a creepy stalker.


The next few hours were spent with the shadow insulting my entire being to no avail. I completely blocked it out, no longer listening to its scratchy, eerie voice anymore.

"You are pathetic," it laughed, "Thinking that you can put your trust in someone like me."

Their words didn't have the desired effect.

Instead of wallowing in my self-misery like before, their words just fuelled the anger I had for all the people who have betrayed me before.

The Russo's.




All of the voices' words helped increase my rage at them to new levels I couldn't even have imagined, nevertheless reach without the pain they caused me.

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