~ chapter 19 ~

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Madelyn moved her arm across the bed to stretch and wake for the day, but frantically sat up to find the other side of the bed vacant. She collected her thoughts and reviewed what happened the night before, making sure she didn't make the events up in her head. Maybe he regretted what happened, she thought. That would've made the most sense, but sorrow overcame her as the negative thoughts crossed her mind. 

There was one time through the night she woke up from one of Draco's night terrors but was able to help him through it. Being wrapped in his arms was her new favorite thing. But Draco was unpredictable, making Madelyn unsure of what to expect when she walked out of the bedroom. She took him not staying in the bed as regret and mentally prepared for what was to come. 

She shoved her legs off the bed, got up, and walked to her vanity to see her appearance. She quickly ran her fingers through her hair and wiped the leftover makeup under her eyes before hearing a glass touch the table. She rolled her eyes at the thought of facing Draco but took a few deep breaths and left the bedroom. He sat at the table with the newspaper covering his face as Madelyn walked cautiously to the pot of coffee. 

"Morning," he said as Madelyn grabbed for mug out of a cabinet. She flipped around with the mug in hand to see him still staring at the paper. 

"Good morning," Madelyn said quickly as she turned back around to fill her mug. 

The newspaper ruffled as a page was flipped which seemed to be the only thing filling the deafening silence. Once her mug was filled, she walked over to the opposite side of the table she normally sat on and sipped her coffee. She was unsure what the night before meant between them and the uncomfortable silence gave no answer to her question. 

Sips of her coffee were taken as she took glances at the newspaper that blocked his face. Anxious thoughts were all she could think about as each page was flipped in hopes he would bring up the conversation but never did.

"Can we talk?" she let out before convincing herself otherwise. 

The newspaper was placed on the table as he looked up to meet eyes with the woman across the table. 

"Talk about what?" he asked with his expression giving no indication of his feelings. 

"Um, I-I don't know. Last night," she said, nervously awaiting his answer. 

"Which part?" he asked before taking a sip of his coffee. 

"Seriously?" she asked, annoyed as it was clear what the topic was. 

He smirked into the mug.

"Let's go to the lake," he said with a smirk as he placed his mug down. 

"Draco, I'm being serious," she begged.

He shoved his chair back and walked over to her while she watched annoyingly as he gave no response. He quickly placed both hands on her cheeks and pressed his lips to hers, letting them rest for a few seconds before pulling away.

"Let's go to the lake," he said with his lips inches from hers, then walking behind her to the bedroom. 

Madelyn sat with her jaw dropped as she processed what happened. She placed her thumb to her bottom lip and smirked as it all sunk in. Her chair scraped against the floor as she hurried to the bedroom, completely forgetting about her filled coffee cup.

The two put on warmer clothes and got ready quietly with only quick glances shared. They walked to the front door when ready and followed each other out. As they were a few steps out, Draco took Madelyn's right hand into his left, forcing her heart to skip a beat. 

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