~ chapter 26 ~

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It was now the end of May and all the couples had gotten married and graduation was around the corner.

Madelyn received an Exceeds Expectations in Potions, Charms, Transfiguration, and Herbology and received an Outstanding in Defense Against the Dark Arts. Shortly after, Madelyn was able to receive a letter of recommendation from Professor McGonagall to help secure her career goal, working at St Mungo's Hospital. 

The last week of classes was used for the professors to explain how magic should be used outside of class and to congratulate their students. 

After the last class Madelyn shared with Draco, he stopped her along one of the hallways.

"Can we talk?" Draco seemed more serious than usual. It wasn't often for Draco to go out of his way to speak to her and it never happened outside of class.

"I'll listen," Madelyn replied, emotionless.

"Not here."

"Where then?"

"Our - your suite," he begged.

He hadn't been in her suite since that night, making her freeze at the thought. With hesitation, Madelyn agreed and lead him up to her room.

Once inside, she asked, "what did you want to say?"

"I've heard your N.E.W.T.s were excellent, I wanted to congratulate you." The man's voice was authentic while his face didn't give off much of anything, which was normal for Draco.

A lightness developed in her stomach knowing she was partially on his mind since he was seemingly always on hers, but she kept her voice neutral as she spoke.

"Thank you. I heard yours were excellent as well. Excellent enough to become anything you want, even an Auror." Madelyn kept her expressions to a minimum. She'd only heard due to Hermione's anxiety of not being top of her class, of course she was, but Draco was fairly close behind. Madelyn was thrilled to hear the man applied himself, she knew he was intelligent but suprised he willingly showed it. 

"Yes, the future has lots to hold," he said as he examined his hand, "I also wanted to give you something." He spoke morbidly as if it was their last time speaking.

A letter was taken out of his robe and placed on the counter. 

"We haven't spoken in weeks and I know you've made it clear what I mean to you but I want you to read this. It's the last and only thing I ask of you. If what's inside means anything to you, then send me a letter back. If nothing at all, then I will never bother you again." His voice trembled when he spoke, nerves spewing from his voice.


"Please," he begged, "just read it and I won't say a word to you ever again."

He began walking to the door and before he left, he said, "I've missed this place."

And before she could blink, he was gone. 


Before heading down for graduation, Madelyn stood at the counter staring at a letter that sat in the same position for over a day, untouched. It didn't feel right to read it just yet, she was unsure if there ever was a time but she shoved it into her robes. 

There were four sections and the students were divided by their house. Everyone wore their house robes as they sat in their proper seats.

Graduation started off with a speech from McGonagall then was followed by a speech from Head Boy and Head Girl and ended with a speech from Hermione and Harry: Hermione for being top of the class and Harry for being a hero during the war. Everyone went on to explain how Hogwarts was their home and will always call it home. Tears streamed down almost everyone's face as they sat and listened.

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