Part 6

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[Bethany's P.O.V]

Cole wiggles his arm abit, and grins back at me.

"That's a neat trick you've got there, and thank you for helping out. " He earnestly says. I could see the curiosity in his eyes build up. I curse at my stupidity once more.

"It's not a problem, glad I could help out. Anyways it's best if I hurry along now, before I get late." I add.

"Sure let me walk you back, it's not that safe, some wild wolves were spotted around recently. " Cole says.

"Oh its quite alright thanks, I didn't encounter any wolves earlier, they must have moved onto better lands. " I say.

"Nonsense it's the least I could do after you helped me, besides my m... Uh my girlfriend would kill me if I let you walk out alone when it isn't safe." He states.

" Oh alright then." I concede, as I us lead us silently to the path that takes me home.

"Soo... If you don't mind me asking, what are you doing out here so early in the morning anyway?" He asks.

"I could ask you the same." I retort back before saying, "My sleep broke, so I thought I'd go for a walk."

" I've just been dealing with some personal problems, and I needed to clear my mind abit, and to just have a moment to breathe." He answers.

I was alittle surprised at how open he was being, and judging by how quiet he was after that, I think he feels just as surprised. I don't question him any further, and just nod my head in acknowledgement. The rest of the walk was filled with silence, as small talk didn't seem appropriate given the mood and confusion. As soon as I saw the forest clearing, I turn to face Cole.

"I guess this is goodbye for now. Thank you for walking me back even though you didn't have to." I earnestly say before adding, "I hope you figure out your problems, and feel at ease soon." I cringe at how awkward that sounded.

"Thank you Bethany. I'll see you around, hopefully under better circumstances next time." He says with a small smile, before heading in the opposite direction.

Hmm Alpha Cole seems nice, he didn't seem uptight or anything. I wonder how he would have reacted if he knew I was a werewolf. All thoughts come to a pause, when I realized something.

* Oh shit, Silver do you think he caught your scent ? He did mention that some some dangerous wolves were spotted here recently. He could have been referring to our scent. We'll have to be extra vigilant now onwards.* I say to my wolf starting to panic abit.

" He wouldn't have gotten a rogue scent from us, and it's not his territory. Do you know how many people use the forest, and all the different kinds of animals that live in the forest. There are thousands of scents everywhere, we are in the clear for now Beth, don't panic.* My wolf adds.

* Yes smarty pants, now let's go get ready for school. * I say feeling slightly better about the situation.

Today was warmer than usual, and I cursed my damn heated werewolf body. Track suits on a hot day plus a heated body equals total discomfort.

* That's what you get for only buying tracksuits.* My wolf cheekily retorts.

* No one asked you for your comment furball.* I retort back.

I know, I know it was lame even for me. I just couldn't help it though. I was feeling really uncomfortable, heated and slightly on edge since my run in with the alpha this morning, but baggy tracksuits, glasses and a cap really helped deflect attention off me. I mean look at the werewolves here. They were all noticed despite not even trying. I didn't want that. Guess I have to just deal with it.

Luckily enough all of my classrooms had ceiling fans, so I won't feel that miserable.

As soon as I stepped off the bus, I could hear all the excited chatter about Cole, Blake, and Andrew been spotted at school today. As far as I knew, all 3 of them weren't single. So just what were these humans so excited about. I mean they are handsome, but really that's about it. I shrug off their chatter , and make my way into the building. Something catches my attention before I could enter the building though. The smell of dark chocolate, and old whiskey hung thick in the air. I suddenly had the feeling that I was been watched, and so I turned around. Across from me, stood a tall guy with the most intense warm chocolatey eyes ever, dark black hair. He was unbelievably handsome, or maybe I was just a really biased person.

MATE! I think, but stop myself from saying it out loud by harshly biting my tongue, drawing blood . I wasn't supposed to know about mates remember. Thank you werewolf healing abilities. I won't be uncomfortable for the rest of the day now, I think to myself. Our eyes lock ,and our souls pull towards each other for the few seconds our eyes met. He breaks eye contact, as a blonde female approachs him. I felt my heart crumbling in that very moment, as she embraced him the way lovers do, and passionately kissed him. He kissed back I noted, and just like that my heart completely shattered for a stranger I never knew. The blonde turns her head a little, and I immediately recognize her as Erica, Blake's so called mate. I turn away, and walk to the nearest bathroom locking myself in a cubicle. Silent tears roll down my cheeks furiously. No Beth! No! I tell myself. No stranger gets to have this affect on you. You've come so far, you can't let this mere guy ruin this little peace and sanity you have left. You're so much stronger than this.

It made alot more sense now, as to why I felt so uneasy about the admiration the wolves had for Erica as the beta female. Suddenly I felt like a brick was smashed against my head, my mate's the beta. Holy flippen god, now its going to be impossible to escape the attention of the alpha and beta.

* Are you alright Silver? * I ask my wolf sounding extremely concerned .

Silver longed for a mate more than I did. This would have caused her a great amount of pain.

* No, but we will be! * She exclaims trying to sound reassuring.

" Off course we will Silver. This pain will be nothing, but a faded memory irrespective of what happens now. I will always have your back, just as much as you have mine. * I say to my wolf.

* There's my favorite brave human! * she exclaims sounding a little lighter than before.

* Dude I'm your only human. Now lets wipe these tears, wash our face, and put our brave face on. Show no weakness! * I say to my wolf.

I start to wipe my tears with shakey hands, before unlatching the door lock. I walk to the nearest tap, remove my glasses, and wash my face with some cold water. I grab a paper towel, and pat dry my face. I put on a fake smile for road, before I exited the bathroom. Well here I go I think to myself trying to brace myself for what's about to come.

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