Part 14

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[Bethany's P.o.v]

My sleep broke earlier than usual I note, glancing at the time on the wall clock. I peep out my window to get a feel of the weather today, luckily I didn't have to get out of my bed, since my bed was placed by the window. Hmm looks like today is going to be a warm, and bright day . There was just something about warm, and bright days. It was so cheerful, and it made any bad day bearable. I lay in bed listening to music, letting the lyrics sooth my soul. I could spend hours listening to music, not needing anything, nor anyone. I get out of bed when my alarm rings, I already feel pumped up to begin the day. My morning is pure bliss, especially after the breakfast I just ate, bacon, and cheese toast. Yummy!

I decide to walk to school again, wanting to enjoy the weather just a little longer.

My blissful morning didn't last long though, as soon I enter the school yard. I could see people staring at me with frowns, disgust, and slight envy displayed on their faces. Even the wolves looked at me with disgust splashed across their face.

"She looks so plain."

"Attention seeker."

"She's a freak."

"As if she could seduce Blake, and Cole."

"Doesn't she have any shame?"

That, and so much more was said about me. Clearly I'm missing something here. I tried to brush off the rude comments, but it stung quite abit. My eyes start to blur for a second, telling me that I could burst into waterworks any second now. No I will not cry, not right now I say to myself, titling my head slightly upwards blinking to stop the tears from rolling. I will not let my centre be ruined by all of the negative energy. I walk forward, trying to ignore world on the outside. I was so much happier this morning, in my own bubble, content, and carefree. People ruin everything! Why couldn't they just focus on themselves, imagine how much lighter this world could be.

I only made it passed one classroom in the block, before I find myself been dragged into an empty classroom. My kidnappers been Matthew, Alex, and surprisingly Anthony. I stare at them curiously, waiting for someone to tell me why I've been dragged into an empty classroom.

"So there's some rumors going around Bethany, rumors that make it impossible for me to believe that you would do such a thing." Alex trails off, looking at me expectedly.

"What Alex means, is that we would like to hear your side of the story." Anthony says.

" Thanks for the vote of confidence I guess. What ever you guys heard is all bullfrog." I say.

I could still see a small cloud of doubt though.

"Wait you guys actually think there's some truth to me seducing both Cole, and Blake at the same time?" I question sounding bewildered, before I burst out laughing. I didn't need to be a genius to figure out what the rumor was about, my super hearing was enough. Somehow the guys having a small doubt about this didn't seem to bother me at all. It warmed me actually, that they decided to honestly confront me about this matter. I respect them for that.

"But our source is credible? " Mathew asks doubtfully.

"Was your source Erin, Cole or Blake?" I ask, although deep down I knew that those three would never do this to me. Someone else must have known something and twisted things around.

"No, but what does Erin have anything to do with this?" Alex asks sounding confused.

" She, Cole, and Blake came over for pizza last night." I say.

"Erin was there? But Erica said..." Anthony stops him self mid sentence, looking at the guys. They stare at each other in silence for abit, ahh they must be mindlinking I think.

I could understand their confusion now, Erica their so called beta female toying with them by manipulating the truth. Why would she do this though ? There was nothing going on between Blake and I, romantically at least. Maybe I could understand her insecurity, fear, but there's a limit to this. You don't get to walk all over me Erica, I think to myself.

Before I could interrupt the guys who were still mindlinking, after snaping out of my thoughts. Mathew takes his phone out of his back pocket, and dials someone. He presses the speaker button, when this person answers.

"Hey Mathew, what's up?" asks a very familiar female voice. It sounds like Erin, and I didn't have to wait long enough for Mathew to confirm my thoughts.

"Hey Erin. I'll explain later, but could you please tell us where you and Cole had supper last night." Mathew asks sounding abit nervous.

"Cole, Blake and I had dinner at Bethany's. Blake may have accidentally gate crashed though. I'll be waiting for an explanation later on though. Sorry Mathew, but I've got to go now. Bye!" She says ending the call.

"I'm sorry that someone you looked up to, disappointed you this much." I say earnestly, after seeing the looks of disbelief on each of their faces.

"We owe you an apology as well Bethany." Anthony says surprising me the most. He was usually the reserved one.

"No you don't. I really appreciate the fact that you guys decided to hear my side of the story despite all the odds stacked against me. You could have chosen to blindly believe Erica , but you didn't." I say with a smile on my face.

"We really need to start paying more attention in English. We could learn alot especially from that appearance vs reality theme " Alex says.

The guys chuckle at his statement, and my smile drops a little.

*I'm just as good as Erica, I've manipulated the truth around me to suit my needs.* I say to my wolf.

*We did so out of fear, and compulsion * my wolf justifies.

*That was then, but what about now? The guilt is so consuming Silver. * I say to my wolf.

*Drowning yourself in guilt won't change the fact that you're an illegal emancipated teenager, who could still be shipped back home to your parents if you're caught now. It won't change the fact that you're supposed to be dead. It won't change the fact you would attract all sorts of attention if everyone found out you're immune to silver. We are still protecting ourself Bethany. I get that you're upset, and you feel guilty for lying to everyone, but there is a huge difference between you and Erica. She's not like you, and she would never measure up to you.* Silver says.

I instantly feel better after her pep talk. I'm so fortunate to have her in my life . She's right though, I'm still protecting myself. I can't trust the Silver moon pack to keep me safe, nor can I involve them in my business. It's way too risky with all of the rogue, and hunter problems. At least as human I can deflect attention off me, but that only goes so far if I'm still associated with the Silver Moon Cresent pack. Maybe I should just keep my distance, I could use Erica as an excuse. It might let her think that she's won, but I'm the one one benefiting the most.

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