14-Phone Call Home

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It had been two days since I met the wives. The days seemed to shoot by and I couldn't believe we was almost at the end of the week already. It was Thursday night now and we was flying out to Washington tomorrow morning at 6am. I had a nice large dinner that night and sat on the bed. Marcus had to go and see Aro for something so I was left alone. Well other than the two lower guards outside my door. I knew I was going home tomorrow but I couldn't help but worry about my dad. Was he upset we just up and left. Was he angry I took Bella with me. I mean I didn't even take my phone so I hadn't been able to call him. I glanced over at the phone on the desk in the corner. Marcus wouldn't mind if I used the phone right? I mean a phone call all the way to America could cost a little but he had told me time and time again money meant nothing to the Volturi. Centuries of earning money and not needing to buy things like food , heating or electric. They didn't pay rent since they owned the place. I slowly got out of bed and walked over. I should definitely warn my dad. He may actually have a heart attack if me and Bella just show up with random men. I slowly picked up the phone and dialled his number. I sat into the chair and waited. Marcus had said he'd get me one of my own but I just told him I'd steal one of his. He happily said I could have them all if it would make me happy. I listened as it rang three times before I heard a voice. 

"Hello?" I heard my dads voice ask. He sounded half asleep. Then I remembered the time distance. shoot. It's 10pm here but like 4 in the morning over there.

"Hey dad, sorry if I woke you. Its Jamie." I said waiting for the yelling. But all I heard was a loud yawn.

"Hey Jamie. Hows work? Everything okay?" He asked. I know I left a note and everything but people normally react like this when there daughters vanished into thin air? Was it just because he was half asleep? 

"Yeah. I-I've been offered a job in a different school and the pay is tuns better. There willing to pay for my move and for my living expenses. The ever want to offer Bella a scholarship." I said hoping he'd take it. If he didn't and demanded Bella stay we'd have a pissed off Demetri to deal with.

"Wow. Really? That's amazing Jamie. Oh I'm so proud of you both." If he wasn't awake before he was now. I could practically hear the happiness in his voice. "When you come back we'll celebrate." Now to smash that happiness to bits. But how do I tell him the next time I see him might be the last.

"The schools in Italy." I said bluntly. The saying 'just get it over with' may not have been the best method for this but I couldn't beat around the bush with him. The other end went silence. I waited for the sadness. The anger. Anything. "Dad?" Nothing.

"Are you serious!?" He was yelling but it wasn't out of anger. "Schools in Italy are almost impossible to get scholarships into. I'm even more proud of Bella now. And you. If this is what you want to do I expect phone calls and letters and visits." I couldn't believe he was happy about us moving so fare away. "I mean I'll miss you but both of you girls are moving up in the world and I couldn't be more proud of you both."

"Thanks dad. We're actually flying out tomorrow morning. We'll only be there for the weekend before we have to fly to Italy. The job and scholarship start immediately." I said.

"As long as I get to see you girls before you go." I hum and he sighed. "Well I better go. Its 4 in the morning and I have work in about 4 hours. I would like a little more sleep. Let me know when you'll be landing and I'll pick you up."

"Alright. We leave at 6 so we should be there by 12." I said and he went quiet. "Dad? Did you fall asleep?"

"Your in Italy now!?" He asked and I giggled.

"Well we wanted to check out the university." I said and he sighed. "We'll be there by 12...our time. It'll be about 6pm your time." I said and he hummed again. "Stay safe dad." I said and he hummed before hanging up. I sigh and relax into the chair. Maybe it would be better if Marcus and Demetri was a surprise. If he knew we was here with random men he might fly out to us now and drag us back home.

"He took it well I assume?" I jumped seeing Marcus sat on the bed with a book. When had he come in here? How quiet was a vampire?

"Yes. Hes actually very proud." I smiled. "The story is I got a job offer at a university and Bella got a scholarship." I said.

"That wont be a lie either. Bella has made it clear she wishes to do English and Science courses so Demetri paid for her to have some online classes. You will not obviously have a job but if it comes up we will give him the Volturi number and tell the receptionist that if he calls to get you." I nodded happily and walked over. I sat next to him and he put the book to one side. I flinch a little as the baby kicked my side. "I see they are still energetic." He rubbed my belly softly, feeling the baby moving.

"They've been like it since Dora spoke to them in the garden earlier." I giggled. Me and the wives had gotten closer over time. Sulpcia loved Bella. She found her adorable. I remember Demetri laughing as Sulpcia talked about dressing Bella up in beautiful dresses.

"They love there aunts." I nod. I had gotten used to this odd family. The may be odd but they do care for me and my safety. And they each took an interest in the baby.

"Yes they've decided as soon as I know the gender we'll be having a shopping day and starting on the nursery." I said. And he nodded chuckling as the baby kicked against his hand.

"I'm aware. Athenodora has been bugging Caius to help paint it. And Sulpcia has been bugging Aro to make sure the baby has there own guard. I think there uncles and Aunts have have gotten very excited about the unborn child." I nodded agreeing instantly.

"Bella's the same. Shes constantly rubbing my belly and talking to them. Always making sure I'm alright." He nodded and I smiled. "What do you think they'll be?

"I think you will have a beautiful baby boy. With you big brown eyes that would steal the hearts of every girl." He chuckled. Nope. Now way. I would raise my son to respect girls and to never hurt one. Like hell and I letting my son harm a girl. Emotionally, Physically or Mental. I would have a good boy.

"I hope for a girl." I smiled rubbing my belly. "One with my hair and eyes."

"No boy would come anywhere near her." I grin and ran my fingers through his hair as he laid down with his head next to my belly. It was surprisingly soft. "You'll be perfect. And I will protect you with every fibre in me. I promise. You'll be so loved, it doesn't matter if your a girl or boy." I smiled as I yawn. I felt my eyes drift shut as he hummed to my belly quietly.

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