37-The Volturi "school"

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Since my dad knew about vampires he was a little...tense. He saw through almost everything going on while my mother just believed everything going on around her.  We got out the car and Alec was practically bouncing around.

"Go on." He happily jogged off and I looked to my parents. "He's gone to find Jane and Bella. Why don't we show you around?"

"Wonderful. If love to see your class room." My mum took my arm and thankfully we had all gone through the plan. Some others had made sure to have text books in han when walking around or bag packs on. Some "classrooms" had lower guard "marking papers". We walked to an empty classroom and I let my parents inside. It had enough room to teach maybe 20 kids at a time.

"Does Bella take your class?" My mum asked looking around.

"No Bella takes English Literature, Math and Biology mostly." I smiled just telling them her online classes. "I hear she's doing really well though."

"Well I want to see my grandkids." Dad smiled and I hurried to the door opening it for them to go through.

"Oh miss. I'm glad I caught up o you." I looked up to Demetri who just smiled. This wasn't planned!!

"Demetri? I didn't know you'd be here." I heard Marcus chuckled behind me.

"Your the boy seeing Bella." My mum smiled. "Are you in Jamie's class?"

"Yes I study History. But I have a question about the Assignment." He grinned and I wanted to hit him. "Could you remind me what it was I had to do. I wrote it down but I lost it and I've forgot." Thinking back to the assignments I had set in the past I easily thought of one.

"I'll email all the information to you later. Now we're very busy." I walked around him and carries on walking towards the nursery.

"This part of the castle is dorms for staff that stay on sight. Most students have dorms in the city but there are a few like Bella who stay here too." Marcus explained as I opened the door. I smiled seeing Bella and Jane sat side by side, the room a complete mess and the two small babies fast asleep.

"Did a tornado hit?" I asked as everyone came in.

"No. Just Alec." Jane smiled. "They just fell asleep."

"Awe. There perfect." My mum smiled walking over and looking down at them. "What there names again?"

"Sofia Belle and Charles Ajax Volturi. Since my name will be changing soon we thought we'd save time." I smiled.

"You did amazing." My dad kissed my temple before we heard a small sneeze. I looked over seeing Charles had sneezed and woke himself up. I hurried over knowing he was going to cry and that woul wake his sister. As soon as he saw me he whimpered and I picked him up gently.

"Look baby. There's some people here to see you." I turned around and my parents walked over.


After dropping my mum off at her hotel dad said he wanted to talk.

"So, Bella's one of you." Marcus nodded and my dad rubbed his face. "When will Jamie..."

"Two weeks." I looked over as Aro walked into the room. "Humans can't know of our kind. But I know you only became swear of us through another supernatural being, so you have nothing to fear. As long as you tell no one."

"Who would believe me? I'd be shipped off to the nut house." My dad frowned. "What about the kid? Will they be safe?"

"Precautions have been put in place." Marcus nodded. "But I feel we won't need them. Bella has extremely good control. I have no doubt that Jamie will too."

"As long as everyone is safe." My dad sighed. "I guess I just got to take the time I have left with you."

"I'm not dying dad. You'll see me again." I smiled and Marcus nodded. I heard a quiet cry and smiled. "Want to meet Sofia now?"

A Swan and a VolturiOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz