20-Dad knows

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Our dad still wasn't back yet. I could hear Bella and Demetri talking downstairs. I didn't know where Marcus was. I didn't even know if he was in the house.

"Hey." I looked up and saw Bella stood there. "I was gong to get pick up some Chinese for dinner. Want some?" I gave a small smile and nodded.

"Thanks." She smiled and I heard her leave with Demetri. I sat up and slowly got up. I walked downstairs and grabbed a bottle of water out the fridge.

"Jamie?" I almost spat my water out at the sound of Marcus's voice. I swallowed the water and looked up at him. 

"I didn't know you was here." I said and he gave a single nod. "I thought you was mad at me."

"I'm disappointed. Not mad." He frowned. "You went to the wolves-"

"We went to tell our friend what happened." I said cutting him off. "To tell him we was leaving. That he most likely would see us again. So your disappointed that I went to say good bye to my oldest friend?"

"You didn't even tell me." He snapped. "Do you know how worried I was? When you wasn't here and  I couldn't find you in Falks? Then to follow your scent to the border? Do you have any idea what was going on in my mind?" I lowered my head. 

"Do you think I would have went if I thought for a second that it would be dangerous?" I asked. "Do you think I would have put my children in danger?"

"No. But from when Aro has told me, the wolves are unpredictable."  I put the bottle on the counter as he walked over. "If you had gotten hurt....any of you..."

"We're fine." I said and he gently pulled me closer. "We leave tomorrow."

"Yes we do."  He whispered. "Is there anything else you wish to do?"

"I was going to pick up Bella and my dads gift that I ordered from Seattle. Do you want to come?" I asked.

"We'll go after you have eaten. Isabella's getting you food, correct?" I nodded and he kissed my cheek.  I heard keys in the front door, unlocking it, Making Marcus let go. I knew why. It takes longer than 15 minutes to get food so it had to be my dad. I was proven right when I saw him walk into the kitchen to us. 

"Hey dad. Have fun with Sue?" I grin. 

"Don't get involved with my love life or I'll get involved with yours." He said looking between me and Marcus. 

"You'll get involved either way so tell me, when did you and Sue start seeing each other. I mean Harry only died a couple months ago."

"Well...look it best I don't say if it got back to Seth or Leah it would break there hearts." He sighed getting a beer out the fridge. 

"Since we're leaving for Italy tomorrow I'm sure it wont get back to them." I said following him to the living room. I sat on the sofa with Marcus beside me. 

"Sue and Harry were getting a divorce. They fell out of love and me and Sue admitted we like each other a while back. When he died it hit Sue hard, even if she didn't love him anymore. She had spent her life married to the man. Harry knew our feeling for each other and told me he didn't mind. As long as I kept her safe and never treated her wrong. We both grieved at his death but Sue had already moved on. Long before he died." He explained. 

"How is Leah and Seth taking you both dating?" I asked. 

"Seth seems okay with it. Hes already said things with his mum and dad weren't going well towards the end. He said hes just happy to see him mum happy." My dad smiled but it quickly fell. "Leah on the other hand...she isn't fully on board. Thinks I'm replacing her dad. I think its a little too soon for her."

"The heart what the heart wants." Marcus said. "She can not blame you forever. Shes simple still grieving." I nodded and my dad sighed before looking up at us. 

"Talking about what the heart wants." Oh no. "You two."


"Oh no you don't. I told you if you brought a man to my house I'd have a few choice words for you both." He huffed. He looked right at Marcus. "You'll treat her right. Like a queen." Marcus nodded. "You'll treat those babies in her like your own." Again Marcus nodded. "You'll take care of them all." Marcus nodded yet again. "Or I'll hunt you down to the end of the earth and rip you apart." I juts looked at him. Did he know? "And burn the pieces." Yep. He knew.


"You think your sister dated that...boy for almost a year and a half and I didn't pick anything up?" I slouch. "You going to hurt my girl?"

"I can promise you Mr Swan. Your daughter will be treasured and protected for the rest of her mortal and immortal life." Marcus promised.

"Does Bella know you know?" I asked.

"No. I never mentioned it. It was too fun pretending I didn't know." He said with a small grin on his face. 

"We have laws about people knowing of our kind." Marcus frowned. 

"I have two wolves that will be moving in with me within the next 2 months. You really think I wasn't going to find out?" My dad asked sipping his beer. 

"I shall over look this. Mostly because you are right. But I also don't with to upset either of the girls." My dad nodded. I heard another car pull up and looked out the window seeing Bella's truck. 

"Know you know that I know I'd like visits more often." I glanced at Marcus.

"Of course." I smiled as Bella came in with the food. 


I sat in Bella's room and took a deep breath. 

"Dad knows everything." 

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