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Dedicated to everyone who asked about the next chapter <3 

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Elijah's POV 

Carter jumped up off of Eli and he immediately sat up straight. 

Del and Porter had barged in through the door to find the sight of Carter on top of him. He would never live this down.

Del had a bag of takeout in her arms and a smug smile on her face as she eyed Eli's turned down head and Carter's flaming hot cheeks. 

Porter grinned. "Looks like we can't leave you lovebirds alone again, can we? You were clearly about to defile our couch."

"Shut the fuck up," Eli said, turning his head to the side. "She just fell on me." He wasn't exactly lying there.

Carter coughed. Porter's eyes flitted to her before flying back to Eli. 

"Right," He said with a smug look. "She fell on you." He implied in a very suggestive manner. "Well, anyone in the mood for Chinese?" He gestured to Del's arms with a smirk. 

"Carter, can you get us some plates? From the bottom cupboard on the left," Della asked in a sickly sweet tone, watching as Carter quickly skitted over to the kitchen. 

Del and Porter immediately rushed over to where Eli was sitting and Del squealed, "So? What just happened?"

"Nothing," Eli said nonchalantly, surveying his nails in boredom.

Porter punched his arm and started to speak, but Eli was suddenly distracted. He had watched as Carter bent down to the cupboard, and her shirt raised a little bit as she did, showing off the skin of her back. 

Della whacked him up the head, and he flinched, "Ow!" He whisper yelled. 

"You said nothing happened, but you're staring at her ass in front of us you creep!" She whispered back. 

"Well, maybe something would've happened if you two morons didn't come in when you did!" He whispered back. 

Porter cut in, "So you wanted something to happen huh?" His eyebrow raised suggestively. 

"Shh!" Della cut off Eli before he was about to call Porter a dumbass, as Carter came back with four plates, looking confusedly at how the three of them were huddled together. 

They quickly scattered, everyone putting their own food and settling down in various positions to eat. Carter avoided any eye contact with Eli the entire conversation. 


Later that night, the four of them were just hanging around when Della voiced that she needed groceries. 

And thus (after Porter and Della argued over who was going in the front seat for 20 minutes), Eli was driving them to the grocery store near their apartment. For some reason, Carter was in the back right behind him. He avoided looking at her in the mirror.

Della reached forward from the passenger seat (yes, she won the argument), turning on the radio to see what was playing. 

Eli froze when he heard the familiar melody that blared through the speaker as he stopped at the red light. 

He looked into the mirror and as soon as he made eye contact with Carter, he knew she recognized it too. She burst out laughing.

This one is for the boys with the booming system
Top down, AC with the cooler system
When he come up in the club, he be blazin' up
Got stacks on deck like he savin' up
And he ill, he real, he might gotta deal

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