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Elijah's POV

The silence only lasted a few minutes before he heard loud plastic unwrapping. He glanced at Carter to see her opening a pack of those really big bubblegums that he remembered from when he was a kid.

She offered him one, waiting till he shook his head no, and then putting it in her mouth and chewing softly.  

He glanced down at the time on his phone, noting that he had no signal and that it was still so early. 

Eli flinched when he heard a loud pop from right next to him. His head whipped to the side, seeing Carter way closer than she was before, with a popped bubble from the gum over her lips.

She smelled so good, her wide green eyes boring into his.

Eli pulled back slightly, deciding to talk to distract himself before he did something stupid, like touch her. 

"You're always eating sweet things." He pondered aloud.

Carter shrugged, "Yeah, I love candy." She changed the subject then, "Why do you seem so sad today? Your aura is off."

Eli stared at her incredulously, "my aura?"

"Yeah. I'd say I'm pretty good at detecting people's emotions, especially when they're sad. So what's up, blondie? What's got you down?"

Eli ignored her, turning his head away swiftly, expecting Carter to start nagging like the child she was.  

She didn't. And Eli appreciated that, staying quiet until he remembered something he had been thinking about.

"Like what?" Eli asked her.

"Hmm?' She hummed in question.

"Like what things are you scared of?" He made clear, referencing back to when they were on the Ferris wheel and Carter had told him she had fears too. 

She looked at him, "A lot of things. I'm scared of dying." She said, staring at his side profile.

He shook his head. "That's not that I mean. Those are rational fears. What are you scared of that's irrational. Something personal to you." 

"Oh." She thought about it for a moment. "I'm scared of butterflies." She confessed.

Eli blanched. "You? Scared of butterflies?" People who were annoyingly bubbly like her usually loved anything cute. "You seem like the type of person who loves all animals." He told her.

"I do." She looked away from him, back out into the horizon of the New York skyline. "But butterflies just freak me out; did you know they taste with their feet? How creepy is that?" Carter shuddered at the thought. He almost laughed at her uncomfortable expression. 

The silence came back, Eli revelling in it for a few minutes before he got the urge to ask her another question. 

"What else are you scared of?"

She paused. "I'll tell you if you tell me something about yourself back."

He pondered it, "Sure."

 "I'm scared of the dark." She said.

"The dark? Why?" He wondered. They were adults, who was still scared of the dark in college?

"That wasn't the deal. It's your turn to tell me something." She propped her chin up, staring at him again. 

She did that a lot. Stared at him, that is. He wanted to stare at her too sometimes, but he stopped himself. 

He nodded, not prodding any further. She looked away from him, waiting for an answer.

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