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Here is my favorite chapter so far TELL ME YOUR THOUGHTS.

Carter's POV

Ryder wanted to date her. That was his big important thing to tell her. She said no. Obviously. She had already admitted to herself that she liked Eli a few days ago.

Their intense making out and fooling around at the motel was still stuck in her mind.

Carter hadn't felt that way about a boy since well... ever.

She wanted to do unholy things to Eli and make him moan for her and then let him ruin her. And then she wanted to cuddle him in bed and braid his hair and kiss his fingers and watch movies together.

Two very different forms of intimacy that she wanted with no one but Eli.

After she successfully kicked Ryder out of her apartment, she thought about Eli. The way his long rough fingers felt on her skin with the cool touch of his rings pressing into her thighs while she kissed his throat.

His hooded eyes looking up at her under his long curly lashes as she sat on him with a happy rare grin on his wet mouth.

She thought of the kindness he tried so hard to hide and how his longing for his mom turned him into a caring figure for everyone in his life despite his brooding exterior. 

She decided not to be embarrassed about what happened last night because she could simply explain to Eli why she acted out the way she did and he would accept her.

Carter cleaned her apartment and baked some cupcakes. She pulled on some leggings and a hoodie and tied her hair up in the high ponytail that she now knew Eli liked.

She pulled out her phone and called him but she was surprised when it went to voicemail. She checked the time and saw that it was 10 PM.

Carter called an Uber to his place instead so she could surprise Eli with a batch of the cupcakes she made.

The ride was short and she was so excited and ready to see his eyes brighten and his mouth quirk up before he tried to appear nonchalant at her cupcakes.

Someone was going into the apartment building at the same time as her so they let her in and she got on the elevator, hitting Eli's floor.

As she got out of the elevator, she was surprised to see a tall blond figure at the door trying to open the apartment.

"Eli?" she said softly and he whipped around, as if he was surprised to hear her there. His eyes flashed down to the tupperware of cupcakes in her hand and he looked pained.

She smiled brightly and opened her mouth to speak when she noticed something that wiped her smile clean off her face.

A hickey.

Eli had a hickey on his neck close to the neckline of his hoodie. It wasn't one of the hickeys that she had worked into his skin two weeks before. Those were gone and this was fresh.

She had been so busy staring at the red purple mark on his skin that she didn't notice his mouth moving as he spoke to her.

Her eyes snapped up to his and she internally shook herself out of her trance.

"Sorry," she cleared her throat awkwardly while he stared at her, "what?"

He opened his mouth to speak again but he didn't get the chance.

Porter must have heard voices outside the apartment because the door opened and she saw his red hair pop out.

His eyes went automatically to Eli, then they flashed to her before looking back at Eli. His eyes dipped down to Eli's neck and Carter could have sworn she saw his mouth turn down with anger.

He roughly grabbed Eli by the front of his shirt and shoved him inside.

Then he looked back at Carter, "Sorry sweetheart! We just need a minute then I'll let you in, that alright?" He said sweetly.

She nodded, unable to form words.

The second the door closed after them she heard yelling. She couldn't make out what Porter said except "stupid," "fuck," and "ruined."

She set the cupcakes down at the door and turned on her heel, walking back to the elevator with her chest feeling hollow and her heart laid next to the cupcakes at Eli's mercy.

a/n hehe i love heartbreak

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