6 - Quidditch World Cup

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A/N Yes the whole floo into the Dursley's living room and Dudley's tongue swelling still happened I just didn't want to write it.

"Harriet, wake up!"

The Girl Who Lived groaned and rubbed her still closed eyes. "Five more minutes, 'Mione."

"We're going to be late for the portkey!"The brunette reached over and yanked the duvet off her friend's bed.


"Get up and get dressed, I'm going to wake up Ron."

Harri groaned again, but opened her eyes this time. "Hermione it's still dark outside! And it's literally August it gets light so early."

"Do you want to go to the quidditch world cup or not?!"

"Fine, fine." She grumbled but got up nonetheless.


"What do you think Harriet? Do I look like a muggle?"

"Oh yeah, very good."

The world cup was being hosted in a muggle field and the camping grounds were worked by muggles, which seemed odd to Harri but if the ministry wanted to risk the exposure of the wizarding world to everyone then who was she to judge?

"Where are Bill, Charlie and Percy?" George yawned as he spoke and Mrs Weasley shook her head from where she was standing by the stove.

"Well they're apparating aren't they? So they can have a bit of a lie in."

"Why can't we apparate too?"

"Because you haven't passed the test and you're not of age yet."

"Couldn't we have side apparated though?"

Fred smirked before anyone else could answer. "Ah, but if we side apparated you wouldn't be able to see your boyfriend Harrikins."

She glared at him. "He's not my boyfriend." Her glare softened as she asked hopefully. "Cedric's coming?"

Mr Weasley responded saying that they were going to meet the Diggorys at the portkey. This may or may not have caused Harri to walk with a bit more of a skip in her step.

After a while, as the sun was starting to come up they made it to Stoatshead Hill and began looking for the portkey.

"Over here Arthur!"

Harri recognized the voice of Amos Diggory and lifted her head to see two silhouettes that she recognized as the Diggory family.

"Amos!" Mr Weasley starting walking over to the men and the rest of the Weasley's (plus Harri and Hermione) followed. "Kids, this is Amos Diggory. Works for the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. And I trust you know his son, Cedric."

"Some of us more than others." Fred nudged Harri teasingly, earning himself a glare from his honorary little sister.

Amos spotted Harri and immediately smiled at the girl. "Ah Harriet! So good to see you again, how have you been?"

She smiled back, much to the confusion of the Weasley's. "Good thank you Amos, and yourself?"

"Ah good, we've been alright. Cedric still hasn't stopped talking about you-"


Harri just smiled at Cedric's embarassment. "Well, good to know I made an impression."

Before the Hufflepuff could reply, they were all called to hold on to the old boot of a portkey. "Everyone ready?"

Just before the portkey was timed to leave, Cedric took Harri's hand in his own md explained, "Just trust me."

Nodding, Harri just trusted the older who had never steered her wrong.

She felt a strange tug on her navel and Cedric squeeze her hand, as her surroundings changed and they gracefully landed in the field, seeing all the other kids in a heap on the floor and the adults and Cedric on their feet also.

She looked quizzically at the older. "How did you do that?"

He just smiled at her. "Experience. You're welcome."

They continued walking to the campsite and stayed holding hands until it came for the two groups to part ways and go to their separate tents.

A/N: This was quite short I'm sorry and mostly a filler. We all know how the world cup goes, so really nothing changed and I didn't wanna write it because I'm lazy :) I would make it a double update but I don't have enough chapters written yet - I'm kinda banking on getting some writing done during my two week break from school from next Thursday. Also I'm watching les mis, fun fact.

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