14 - The Graveyard

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Harriet and Cedric landed on the ground, still holding hands but they had let go of the cup.

"Harri, where are we?"

"Maybe it's the last part of the task?"

"Kill the spare." They heard a hiding voice, and turned to see where it was coming from. They saw a dark figure approaching them, holding something in its arms. Harri felt a searing pain in her scar, and doubled over in pain.

Cedric went to help her, but before either of them could do anything, the figure held out his wand.

"Avada kedavra!" Cedric's body went stiff and Harriet's eyes widened, recognising the curse.

"Cedric! No! NO!" Tears fell down her face like a waterfall. She sobbed over his body, which lied lifelessly on the damp ground.

Harriet felt herself being picked up, and she screamed without thinking. "No! Get off of me!"

She was hysterical. She had barely stopped crying enough to talk.

The man dragged her to a marble headstone, meanwhile she was thrashing in his grip, trying to escape. She was slammed against the headstone, tears still running down her face.

"What do you want with me?!" She cried out, looking at Cedric's body desperately.

The cloaked man didn't answer, and conjured ropes to tie her to the headstone. "What do you want you sicko?!"

She caught a glimpse of the man's four fingered hand and she growled. "You! You fucking traitor!" It was the man who had prevented her from being raised in a loving home, and stopped her from being able to get away from her relatives a year ago. And now, the man who had killed the only person left in the world that she loved.

Wormtail flinched, but continued to tie the ropes so tight that Harri couldn't move. She decided to spit in his face. She was also still crying. The traitor pulled a length of black material out of his robes and stuffed it in Harri's mouth so she couldn't speak.

She tried to scream, but it was muffled with her sobs.

Pettigrew turned and hurried away, but Harri couldn't see where as she was unable to move her head. Instead, she was forced to look at Cedric's dead body lying only twenty feet away from her. Moving her eyes off of the dead body, Harri noticed the triwizard cup gleaming a bit past Cedric's corpse. If only she could get to the cup, she could portkey back to Hogwarts.

But would she even want to go back to Hogwarts? Back to Dumbledore's pathetic manipulations, back to everyone hating her for one reason or another, back to all the slanderous articles by Rita Skeeter calling her a slut and followed up by strangers sending her howlers.

And eventually, back to the Dursley's. Did she want that? She knew the answer. No. Although, she could leave. Of course, she would have to survive first.

She thought back on the plan she had made with Cedric. They were going to leave Hogwarts together, go abroad, and never come back. She almost smiled, before she remembered that a happy ending for the two of them wasn't possible anymore.

She was brought out of her reminiscence by a hissing sound at her feet. She looked down as much as she was able and saw a giant snake circling around the headstone.

She also saw a creature that looked like a baby, in a bundle of robes that had been laid at her feet. If the unbearable pain in her scar was anything to go by, the bundle at her feet was actually Voldemort.

'Great.' She thought bitterly. 'First my boyfriend dies, now I have to deal with a fucking dark lord.'

The traitorous rat finally came back into Harri's vision, and pushed a bubbling stone cauldron filled with water towards her. The bundle at her feet was becoming restless, and Wormtail lit a fire underneath the cauldron.

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