13 - Third Task

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Harri had a bad feeling about today.

It was the last task of the Triwizard Tournament, and so far so good. She and Cedric were tying in first place, and were going to be let in to the maze with the biggest headstart over the other champions.

She would later realize that there was reason for her to be feeling unsettled. Someone had taken great effort to confund a very powerful magical artefact, just to get her into this tournament. She hadn't thought much about it since her name had come out of the goblet, and only after the tournament was over did she have the epiphany that something was guaranteed to go wrong as a result. Even if it were only for the sake of restoring balance in the universe.

But for now, she was sat with Cedric and Amos on the grass, having a picnic before the task.

"Well, no offense Harri, you know I adore you- but Ced, my boy I just know you're going to win."

"Ah dad."

"Oh I completely understand Amos. Cedric is like a million times more deserving of the trophy than me."

Cedric frowned. "That's not true."

"Oh it is."

"You've worked just as hard as I have to get here Harri."

She smiled at him. "Please! If it hadn't been for all your help, I'd have been so lost with everything. I could never have done it without you."

Cedric sighed. "Merlin Harri, I'm so tired of you just demeaning all your achievements and all your work, just take the compliment please."

Amos stood up, sensing a slight tension. "I think I'll go, see how Professor Sprout is doing." As he left, he cast a privacy charm around the young couple.

"What? What do you mean?"

"Harri you may not think so, but I know that you've worked your arse off for all of this and you've been through so much just to get here! You've worked just as hard as me or anyone else, you wouldn't have made it this far in the competition and have done as well as yo udid without that." He took her hands in his and kissed her forehead. "I love you Harri. So much. And I just wish you could see how much you mean to me and how wonderful and brilliant you are."

"Ced, I-"

"So please. Please just, acknowledge your own achievements and stop being so mean to yourself."

She smiled at him, as tears started to fill her eyes. "I love you so much, Cedric Diggory. Merlin, how can such a perfect person exist?"

He put and arm around her and kissed her forehead again. "Love you too Harri."


As dusk fell over Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and they got closer to the final task of the Triwizard Tournament, the pit in Harriet Potter's stomach only got worse.

Standing at the entrance to the maze, next to Cedric, with hundreds of people looking down at her she braced herself for whatever was going to come next.

She and Cedric entered the maze at the same time, and agreed to stick together through it. After all, they were representing the same school, and both agreed their combined skills could work together to bring a Hogwarts victory.

Despite Harri's dislike of the people in Hogwarts and the resentment she faced from them, the school had been her home for the last four years and had given her a purpose. She just couldn't help but have some feeling of school pride, that in this moment was overtaking her as she was about to fight to help her school win the ultimate title of Triwizard Champions.

The Curious Tale of Harriet Potterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें