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Arnav :(emotionally) Nani ... I want to tell you something . I can't hold it with-in myself Nani . I have had enough of it . I seriously want to share this with you Nani .

Nani :(cupping his cheeks) What is it chotte ?? Why are you so emotional and about what ?? 

Arnav did not say a word but just stood up from the floor and  went to the door , closed it and locked it from inside . After doing that , he came back to the same position he was in and kept his head on Nani's lap while Nani observed his every moment and caressed his head when he kept it on her lap . 

After few minutes of silence , 

Arnav : Nani , when we went to London after getting married .... Khushi was not well Nani . She could not even think of losing me in her life . She was in depression . Her health was not good . 

Once a girl who always had a smile on her face , lost her smile ... had a charm on her face , had no more charm ... who was once a fun-loving girl , was not that anymore ... who was once scared of darkness , would make the room dark even in the day time getting all the curtains , doors and all the source of light closed ... once a girl who would find reasons and topics to talk about , had been silent .  I have seen Khushi go through the worst Nani ... that was the time when I came to know that how much I mattered to her , how much my existence in her life matters to her . Those days , I missed her smile , her teasing , her laugh , her giggle , her carefree nature , (chuckling sadly) her rajdhani-express speaking , and ... and much much more . I MISSED MY KHUSHI NANI . 

I asked her many times to come with me to the doctor but ... but she never answered . She never spoke a word Nani . She was living like a dead body Nani . I couldn't see her like that so one day ... 


It had been one week from the day they had landed on London and 12 days had passed after that fateful day . Khushi was in ArShi's room , staring at nothing particular and thinking about her life one week ago . Arnav came there only to notice the heartbreaking view ... which has become usual nowadays for him . 

It was enough and ENOUGH IS ENOUGH . He has bared pain as much as he could but NOT ANYMORE . Khushi needs to understand that he cannot see her like this . Like a dead body . No any emotions , no any words ... she really does live like a dead body now-a-days . He never knew that Khushi would be THIS MUCH affected by even thinking about his absence in her life . She is his life . And seeing his life living like a dead person was more painful to him than it was for her . He cannot always want to be welcomed to his room by the sight of his wife .... living LIKE THIS ... in a dark room , always sitting in the corner of the room with her knees to her chest , with no emotions visible on her face . A face where you could clearly see her emotions , her expressive eyes , her bright smile .... nothing was there now . He cannot control this anymore , so now if he has to shout on her , beg her , whatever it is ... he will do that to take her to the doctor because he is now getting more and more scared of losing HIS Khushi , his life . 

Though their friends , their family ( Shashi , Garima , Payal , Madhumati , Akash ,NK , Lavanya ) always ensure him that Khushi will be ok but he knows that somewhere deep inside even they are scared , seeing Khushi in this state . 

He walked up to the curtains and slid them open and let the rays of the bright sunlight peek in . It was 10:00 a.m in the morning but still the room was dark . And it was the usual thing now . 

Arnav : (thinking sarcastically) The girl who was once scared of darkness is now herself wanting to stay in dark . But now NOT ANYMORE . She needs to understand my plight as well . 

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