Shock !!

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(Its not Arnav's POV)

Garima : Damadji ??

Everyone were shocked seeing Arnav there as NONE of them had expected him to come there .... Off course except of Khushi .... Because deep inside her heart she knew that Arnav would never leave her alone NO MATTER WHAT , she was damn scared though . She trusted him but still she could not deny the possibility of him not coming to the alter .

Khushi : Why did you took so long to come ?? (tightening her hold around his neck) I was so .... so scared , you know ?? I ... I thought you would not come but still my heart told that you WILL come ... My love will never cheat me or leave me alone . Thank you for coming .... I ... I love you !!

Arnav : (tightening his hold around her waist and nuzzling his face on the crook of her neck) Sorry !! I made you wait for long . And ya how can I not come ?? I told you na I can't live without you ??

Khushi : (closing her eyes and letting her tear fall freely) Hmm !!

Arnav : I love you !!

Khushi : I love you too !!

Arnav : Khushi I think we are not alone !!

That's when Khushi got her senses back and broke the hug and turned around to the family , who still had not recovered from the shock of seeing Arnav there , smiling awkwardly .

Akash : (recovering from the shock) Bhai ?? You here ??

Arnav : Why ?? Is there a restriction that Arnav Singh Raizada is not supposed to enter this venue's premises ??

NK : But Nannav ...

Arnav : But what NK ??

NK : I mean after all the happenings ....

Arnav : NK that is all past and I do not want to bring my past back , just to ruin my future . And what is Khushi's mistake in all these ?? She was just a child when all that happened .

Garima : ( crying ) Damadji ( Son-in-law ) I seriously didn't knew you were Arvind Malik's son ... I mean your surname is also not Malik and I got to know about you being his son on the day when Khushi came back to Gupta House ... that day when I saw Dadiji there ... talking to jiji ( Madhumati ) and that day only I got to know that you agreed for marrying Khushi with all the rituals and then I became selfish .... Selfish to see my daughter happy so I did not have the audacity to tell you about the past ... I am really very sorry ... very sorry !! And ... and I didn't even know that Arvind Malik was married and even had children ... he always kept me in dark .... If I had known about him being married and having children than I would not ever even think of ruining your family .... Directly or indirectly I am the reason of your ... your mother's death and ... (joining her hands) I am really very so..rry for that .

Arnav : (holding her hands and keeping it down) No need to be sorry ... Aunty , one time my mamma had told me that we should not punish the roses for the throne's mistake and years after she had told me that , today , I got to know what she wanted to teach me that day ... here , Arvind Malik is the throne and not you or anyone else ... you were at the same condition where my mamma was ... it's just that you were strong enough to face the betrayal while my mamma was not .

And ya I had not come here just now ... I was there from before the Raizada's left . I was just waiting for them to go .

Akash : ( confused ) But why bhai ??

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