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I walked into the castle, and headed to my room. I dragged myself over to the bed, laying down. I stared at the ceiling and thought what have I done.

I soon fell asleep, but I didn't realize I actually had gone into a vision...

I was walking through the woods. Daniel and Eric were beside me, that's when it changed. I was now in a cell, chained to a wall. I felt weak, Daniel was telling me not to give up. Then I was riding a horse across a track, panthers and tigers chasing me. A face then appeared in front of mine.

"Hello, my dear... I hope you remember me because I am going to be your worst nightmare for you, and your precious friends!" I looked into his cold, black eyes.

I awoke with a scream, and I flew off my bed, hitting the floor. I gasped, and sat up. I heard knocking on the door, and I slowly stood up

. On the other side stood Eric, "I was just walking by and I heard you scream. Are you okay?" I shook my head and tears started to run down my face. "

No, I'm not okay... Just everything is crazy!" I walked deeper into my room, I then crumbled on my bed. Eric shut the door, and kneeled down in front of me.

"Eve, what happened?" He asked me with worry in his eyes.

"If I tell you, you can't tell anybody. If you do I will have to leave, I know I am one of the last healers but I will have no choose too." He looked at me, I took my hands, placing them on his.

I then showed him everything about who I am, I pushed everything I had. I heard Eric gasp, and move away. His blue eyes just stared at me, tears still ran down my face.

Suddenly, he just gave me a hug. "Eve, I'm sorry for what has happened to you. I will help you however I can. You should tell my parents, they would understand what you are going through. Please can we go talk to my parents, and Daniel. They need to know." I wiped my tears away.

"I don't know, Eric. My brother's mate is pregnant and all of them are scared." He looked at me.

"Eve, I promise you, they will under stand. My parents will help you." I sighed, "Eric, I didn't tell you one thing, they are all panthers."

He backed away from me. "So what if their panthers, they didn't get to choose the color of their fur. They choose their own ways and own opinions. Come on, were going to get them." He argued and walked out of the room. I looked at him, shocked...

I then ran after him. He had changed into his tiger, and I ran after him. He was waiting for me, I walked into the wall and walked into it. I saw Kelsey relaxing on the couch, reading a book. She saw me and smiled.

But I then I saw her bristle, and I knew she smelled Eric. She knew what he was. I heard a door open and close, Aaron then came in. But he suddenly stopped when he smelled Eric.

They just stared at each other, "Aaron, he is here to help you all. We are going to go talk to his parents, the King and Queen. Will you please come with us?" I asked.

Aaron didn't say anything, but nod his head. "But, I'm not taking Tessa with me." He said with a stern voice. I walked up to him and looking into his eyes.

"Aaron, please bring her. Since she is pregnant, we have the idea they will believe you more." I told him. He looked down at me and nodded his head an agreement. He walked back into one of the rooms. Tessa was with him this time.

We lead them to the castle using the back hallways, so no one would notice them. Eric had left us to go get his brother and parents. I lead them to the private library, that was our meeting spot. I had them sit on the long couch, and I went over to start the fireplace. I then heard the door open and people talking.

I looked up and saw Daniel. He smiled at me, then he stopped mid-stride and stared at them. His parents had stopped right behind him.

"Please, will you have a sit." Eric said, he motioned for them to sit across from them.

"Eve, what or why are we here?" Emily asked me.

I looked at them, "Emily, I have brought you all here to explain something to you all. A close friend of mine told me the color of their fur doesn't matter, it is what they do the counts for. And I will explain to you all my showing you my memories. Please will everyone hold hands." All of them held hands, I then started from the very beginning.

I awoke to someone holding me in their arms. People talking, "Aaron, Tessa, Kelsey, we have decided that you may stay with us. We are glad to have you. I will send letters to everyone in the castle to welcome you, and treat you with respect. And for you Tessa, we have an excellent nursery for you and your mate to stay... Wait, actually I will have some people make the wing your staying in for your family. That wing will be for you guys." Emily said, with an excited smile.

I sighed in happiness, they were all getting alone with each other.

"I better get Eve to her room." Daniel said, I realized he was the one holding me. I felt myself moving, and I fell asleep again.

I then awoke to Daniel laying me down on the bed. I slowly opened my eyes, "Thank you..."

He looked at me, he bent down and gave me a kiss on the head. "Your welcome, can I stay with you? Like old times..."

He asked and looked down. I knew he was blushing.

I laughed a little, "Sure, like old times." I scooted over and cuddled in the blankets.

He then shifted into his tiger. Daniel jumped up on the bed, he laid down next to me. A big tiger sigh came next. I smiled, and I then cuddled into his furry chest. I fell asleep to him purring.

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