The Past

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I felt warmth on my lips. Someone pushing on my chest. I gasped and awoke to the young man looking over me. I sighed and closed my eyes.

"Eve, we need to go. Are you okay to walk?" He asked me.

I opened my eyes, and I sat up with his help. I finally got myself to stand. I looked behind me and saw the tavern on fire. I looked back at him and then it finally clicked. It was him, and I knew it. The dreams had made since, they had come back to me while I was out. Falling toward the light. 

He was my guardian, my love. It was Daniel, he had finally come for me. When I had given up, he had come back. But why?

"D-Daniel, your name is Daniel." I said and stopped on the road.

He didn't look at me. I took a couple of steps and leaned up against a tree. Trying to breath, thinking about the reason he would be here again. I thought before was going to be the last time I had seen him. Having moved away from the castle, my parents dying and coming to live in this town with my grandparents. Until I was old enough to live on my own, having found Amber to live with. I thrown out of thought, by a hand on my arm. 

He stood in front of me, "Eve, we have to go... It isn't safe here. I know you thought I was gone, but I'm here now. Please if you come with me I will explain everything."

I looked up at him. He was staring at me. "Daniel, you vanished... Y-You left me there all alone. I cried my heart out, my best-friend was gone. Now... you come back and ask me to go with you. I don't know... E-Everything is going... is going so fast... I... think..." I blinked a couple of times.

I felt myself falling. Daniel caught me in his arms, and he cuddled me against his chest. I was then out again...

(The Past)

"Come on, slow poke!" I yelled. Seeing him follow me through the forest outside the castle grounds. 

Hearing my laughter echo against the trees. I could hear his footsteps getting closer. But I take a quick turn, pushing him to the ground. Daniel though, grabs my arms pulling me down with him. Both of us rolling on the forest floor. Falling down the small hill, laughing as we bump down. 

"Are you alright?" He asked, as we both lay at the bottom. Trying to breath. 

"Yep, never better. Do you think we are too old to be playing games like this? Your father and mother are going to be so mad if they see you like this." 

Daniel looked down at his muddy clothes. "I'm eighteen now. I think I can take care of myself, Eve. What about your parents?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. 

I gave him a smirk, "First, don't you remember I live on a farm. My clothes always look like this. And second, they never care what I look like. Because they already know that I will not get married to anyone. Always calling me their free spirit." 

Getting up, and brushing off the leaves which were stuck to my dress. "So, you'll never get married. What if someone were to ask you? Or you could find a mate?" 

"Again, with the mate stuff. Remember that is only for your kind." I say, walking toward the castle wall.  

"No, it could be for human's too. I've seen it. My mother showed me, it was one summer at a friend's castle. We stayed there for a wedding. I know it can... Because I want it to happen for us..." He whispered. 

I gasped, turning around to see him have a big smile on his face. Because he finally had once made me stop talking. "Daniel..." 

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