Baby Tiger

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I awoke with something cold pressing up against me. I jumped up, a huge tiger stood above me. I ran into the bushes and I heard the other tiger's voice.

"Eve, it's me... Please don't me scared. Please... will you come out?" He whispered. I slowly put one paw in front of me, crawling out of the bushes and seeing him in human form.

He was kneeling down in front of me. I rubbed up against his leg. "Eve, do you know what happened?" I meowed to show I did know what had happened.

"So, that's a yes... We better get you to Jean. So she can get you make to normal." I watched as he changed. Daniel then picked me up using his teeth, grabbing me by my scruff.

He carried me back to the to the others, when Jean saw us. Her blue eyes almost popped out of her head with surprise. My brothers were there and so was Eric.

"Daniel, who is that?" I felt him change, I was now in his arms. Daniel cuddled me up against his chest.

"This little fur ball, is Eve." I heard James and Eric gasp. They all walked up to us.

"Is it really her? How did she change?" James asked. Eric tried to pet me.

I growled at him, swiping my paw at him. Daniel rubbed his hand underneath my chin. I immediately started to purr, relaxing.

"Do you have any idea how she did this?" Jean asked.

"Eve, sort of told me that she has an idea how she became this way." Daniel explained to her.

"Well, we will just have to take care of her like this until we find something out. Or she will do something. so, all of you keep an eye on her. Eve, will not be able to do things on her own. All of you please call for me when or if something happens to her. I am going to the other healers to talk about what has occurred."

I watched as she left. The guys stayed quiet for a couple of minutes. "I will gladly volunteer to watch, Eve." Eric said with a smile.

I heard a growl come from Daniel. I put my paw against his chest, he looked down at me. He sighed, and changed. James, Aaron and Eric changed too. Daniel carried me again, as we made our way to the castle.

We walked to the library, and I smelled all types of things. Old, new. Different people that have been in here. I looked around, and I saw Emily with Jinger and Adde.

Daniel sat me down, Jinger and Adde came over to me. They changed into tiger, and pawed at me. I pawed back, and we all started to play together.

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