[56] A Little Help

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[Y/n], wake up.

"Mmh... Five more min'ts...." Grumbling, you turned over in your bed, trying to ignore the voice.

[Y/n], seriously! Please wake up now!!!

Squinting your eyes shut, you tried once again to ignore the voice before you realized who it was, instantly sitting up with widened eyes.


You hadn't meant to show their name, but you had been excited as you remembered what had happened in the past few days.

Sorry for disappearing! I used a lot of power to get everybody here.....

It's alright. I understand.

Just then, Mina came into the room, grinning at you. "Hey Sleeping Beauty. You good?"

You returned her grin. "Much better now. And Ai's back!" Swinging yourself off the bed, you stretched your arms up, just as you heard laughing outside the door — more importantly, laughter that didn't belong to any of your friends. Shooting Mina a panicked look, you could see the sheepishness on her face as she raised her hands up in an attempt to placate you.

"[N/n], just— Oh."

Before Mina could even finish her sentence, you ran out into the main part of the hotel penthouse, stopping dead in your tracks as you locked eyes with another familiar face.

"Old geezer!"

Pointing dramatically at Netero, you could only stare holes into the old man, who scratched his head and chuckled once again, setting down a cup of tea. Where did that even come from? You hadn't bought tea or a tea set. Did he bring that or buy it just to have tea?!

"[Y/n], it's been a while. I see you've grown quite a bit."

Despite his appearance being more than just startling, you were elated that Netero had actually come here. Floundering for something else to say, Denki piped up, catching your attention. "[Y/n], this guy is funny as hell! He was just telling us about when you, Gon, and Killua tried to play ball with him!"

Flushing out of embarrassment of the memory (you had been shoved by Netero and face-planted the floor), you chose to not acknowledge that story. Instead, your gaze landed back on Netero, brimming with hundreds of questions. Where did you even start?

"Wait, are you Isaac?!" You asked, frowning, causing the old man to chortle.

"That's my first name, yes."

"I thought your first name was Chairman?!!?!"

Netero only chuckled harder, an amused smile on his lips. "You never fail to amuse me, [Y/n]."

You didn't respond to the strange compliment, your lips twisting downwards and deepening your frown. "I know I asked, but I'm honestly kind of surprised you came, since you should have way more on your plate..... So why did you come?"

Netero remained sitting, his smile dying down. "Your friends told me a bit more about your predicament," he started slowly, leaning back into the couch. "This 'Ai' in your head... How long have you been able to communicate with them?"

That caused you to pause, but you answered nonetheless, not quite sure why it mattered to him of all people. "Um... Right before I went to their world was the first time they spoke to me, I think."

The lackadaisical mood from earlier had vanished. "Do you think I could speak to it? This Ai?"

"I don't really think that's poss—"

Reason [BNHA x HxH!Reader]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat