[1] Just Awake

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As soon as you came to consciousness, you were aware of the soreness all over your body, and you groaned, shifting uncomfortably as your eyes opened.

Where were you?  The last thing you remembered was falling through the sky after that weird spell card.  Were you dead?  Was this the afterlife?!

No.  You were clearly in a hospital bed, hooked up to various machines, and despite the soreness and pounding headache, you didn't see any outstanding injuries.  Perhaps using your ren had protected you more than you thought it would.  Were you still in Greed Island, or had you been ejected out of the game?  If you were, it'd be a pain to get back in, but you promised Gon and Killua you'd help them, especially since you had nothing else to do at the time.  As Gon's unofficial older sister (considering his aunt basically adopted you), you felt like it was your duty to watch over him, after all!

Sitting up and wincing at the stiffness in your muscles, you took in your surroundings.  Your clothes were folded neatly on a table.  They were torn up and dirty, but still wearable, and in place of your clothes was a paper-thin hospital gown.  Your phone?  Not nearly in as good condition.  It had been in your pockets, and now lied in a broken and crunched up mess besides your clothes, having been placed in a plastic bag for protection.  You doubted it was still repairable, meaning you'd have to buy a new one again.  At least you remembered some phone numbers, right?  If you could find a payphone, you could call Killua before he went back into the game to tell him what's going on.

Behind the table sat a large window, the curtains drawn.  From what you could see, you were definitely in a city, and it wasn't the same architecture as what they had in the game so your best guess was York New, but...  Well, something was off.  You just couldn't place it.

Immediately, your head jerked to the door, hearing hushed voices behind it, and you tilted your head to the side, growing impatient as the door remained closed.  There were people standing right outside your door, and try as you might, you couldn't pick up what they were saying.  Were they going to come in?  You didn't have all day to just lie here, but you also knew that it would only cause more trouble if you just ripped everything off and left.

Finally, as if sensing your ever-growing impatience, the door opened, revealing an odd trio of people.  The first was a disapproving nurse, who didn't look very pleased that your rest was being interrupted.  The next was somebody who looked to be a police officer of sorts, and the last was a tired and grubby looking man who seemed like he hadn't seen sleep for days.

"Ah, so you're awake.  Pardon the intrusion," the policeman apologized, bowing, causing you to nod in return as the grubby man scrutinized you.  The nurse had taken to checking everything right away, and you ignored your two visitors for the time being to focus on the nurse's questions as she took your vitals.

"You should be resting more, but, well, Detective Tsukauchi wanted to ask you some questions about what happened and insisted it was important," she fretted, and you gave her a bright smile. 

"I'll be fine, thank you, though!"

"Shooting your two visitors one more glance, she patted your cheek before leaving the room.  Your voice had come out hoarse, you weren't sure how long you had been out for, but it was only now that you were aware of how dry your throat was.  Without missing a beat, you asked the two men if one of them could grab you a drink, and with some grumbling the grubby man left.  Moments later, he came back with a can of juice for you, and you didn't hesitate to rip it open and start drinking from it.

It was awkwardly silent, nobody saying anything until you put down the empty can, wiping your mouth on your arm.  Finally, the detective guy spoke up, pulling up a chair next to your bed and sitting down in it, a small notepad and pen in his hands.

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