END 5: Ashido Mina

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"My decision . . . Guys, I'm blowing this popsicle stand. I actually miss the chaos of our world, but I don't regret coming here, that's for sure."

Kurapika snorted at your words, and you could tell he had to suppress the urge to roll his eyes at you. "Why am I not surprised?" he asked drily.

Before you could shoot back, Leorio squinted past you, scratching the back of his head in dismay. "Say... Who is that?"

All five of you turned to look, and immediately you lit up in recognition of your classmate, her pink skin easy to see from miles away. She was waving her arms frantically, as if to stop you from leaving, and you waited patiently for her to reach you guys.

"Don't go yet!"

You were flattered, but really didn't want to stay in this world, even if that meant leaving behind your closest friends. "Mina, I—"

"I want to go with you, but still need to pack!"

". . . Wait, what?"

Sensing your confusion, Mina beamed at you all, cheekily grinning. "I thought about it, and it was really fun being in your world — but more importantly, it's fun being with you, [Y/n]," she confessed, grabbing your hands. "Being a hunter sounds just as fun as being a hero, and so I figured I could take that exam and travel with you!"

You were frozen for a moment, processing her words, before you giddily started to jump up and down at the aspect of traveling with your best friend.

You don't like her as just a friend, though....

Ai, please shut up and let me have this.

From behind, Kurapika was bemused. "So you're kidnapping one of Aizawa's students?"

Exclaiming at the same time, you and Mina continued to hold hands. "I can always come back," Mina puffed out her cheeks. "Besides, I have to have [Y/n] meet my family! They're super chill, I already talked to my mom about leaving too!"

Wow, she really did think this through, but...

"Mina, why do I have to meet your family?"

"Because I want the person I love to meet my family, duh!"


Face heating up, you and the four behind you all exclaimed in surprise at the casual and blunt confession. Killua was the first to break the silence, rudely pointing at you.

"You want to date this hag?! [Y/n]?!"

Feeling a vein throb in your forehead, you turned around, gritting your teeth. "Careful, or this hag will send you flying through the next five worlds!"

Thankfully, Gon was nowhere near as rude, jumping in between you and Killua could get into an actual fist fight and grinning up at you. "Does this mean that Mina is also going to become my sister?"

We went straight from confessing to being married already, huh?

You two already call each other 'wifey' though????

That's not — you know what, never mind.

Mina was enthusiastic as she finally let go of your hand to engulf Gon into a tight hug, nearly smothering him as his face was buried into her chest. "Yes!"

You gave your friends an exasperated look. "Well... I guess it's the six of us heading back, then." The portal was still open, but it would deposit you all in different places (at least, that's what Ai had said). First to leave were Kurapika and Leorio, and you gave them both tight hugs and bid them goodbye.

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