Chapter 19

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     Cassia twisted her hand around, trying to see what hairstyle suited her best. She stood in front of the mirror in her washroom and her tongue was out as she kept switching between putting her hair up or down.

     She couldn't believe she was going on a date with Hunter. It blew her mind to think about, but that didn't stop the smile that rose to her lips. Her cheeks flushed and her eyes struggled to stay on the mirror. It was embarrassing to fall so hard.

     "Well, someone looks happy," Astra said.

     Cassia glanced behind her and Astra smiled. She strode over to Cassia and peered into the mirror, her green eyes full of delight.

     "Should I put my hair up in a ponytail?" Cassia asked.

     "No, I like your hair out."

     Astra reached over and unbound Cassia's hair so that it cascaded around her shoulders in soft waves. Her hands were gentle as they brushed back Cassia's hair and Cassia smiled.

     "Better," Astra said. "Are you excited for your date with Hunter?"

     "Yes," Cassia said. But then, she paused. Because something had been bugging her despite everything. "But... don't you think love is scary? There's something terrifying about handing your heart over to someone because you're giving them the power to break it. I shouldn't want this, but... I do."

     Astra's eyes softened. She pulled Cassia closer to her and Cassia flushed.

     "Love is scary, but it is worth the risk when done right."

     Cassia sighed. She really hoped so. Although she was ecstatic that Hunter reciprocated her feelings for him, she never thought she'd be in this position. It was like being thrown onto a battlefield without any armour or weapons and Cassia was left to flail around in hopes that somehow she'd survive. It was absolutely horrifying, but thrilling in a way she couldn't explain.

     Someone rapped against their door and Astra frowned. She strode to the door and Cassia continued to gaze into the mirror, but she turned around when feet stomped towards her. And her eyes flew wide when her father appeared.


     A gold crown shone on his head and he wore a red shirt and black pants that were ironed to perfection. He glided towards her, his expression serious.

     "I came her to talk to you," her father said. "Astra gave you my message and I thought you'd come home to the castle, but she told me you wanted to stay. Why? I thought you didn't want to be here."

     Her father was expressionless, but his eyes bore into Cassia.

     "Um..." Cassia grasped for something to say - something other than Hunter. "The competition. It'll be done in two months, so I want to finish it. I'm nearly first place."

     "But it isn't safe here. My request seemed like an offer, but I must demand you come back. Something isn't right."

     "Why? I heard it could be rumours."

     Her father faltered - an uneasy expression crossing his face before he concealed it and Cassia frowned.

     "I fear those rumours are true," her father said, eyes lowering. "So please Cassia, come home."

     Cassia's heart hammered against her chest. Reasonably, she should listen. In fact, she should be ecstatic at the idea of returning home, but she couldn't leave. Not when Hunter and even the camp she'd grown to care for was here.

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