Chapter 31

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     No matter how many times Cassia showered, she couldn't erase Hunter's touch. He was intoxicating, tattooing every inch of her body with his fingers and now she was left with remnants of him all across her. And she hated it.

     Hunter may have told her the reason behind everything and she understood - as twisted as it was, she understood his side, but she couldn't forgive him. Not when they were Romeo and Juliet - destined to be enemies until their last breath.

     So now, Hunter was officially banished. Out of her life. Out of her sights. He was gone and dead to her.

     And finally, she could focus on taking down Hunter's father and his followers.

     Cassia entered her father's bedroom and strolled over to his desk, where he sat behind wearing his usual reading glasses. He was peering down at some papers he held and when Cassia neared, he looked up and waved her towards an extra seat at the side of the table.

     "Sit down," her father said. "We must plan our next moves."

     Cassia settled down into the seat and crossed one leg over the other, her hands clasping together. Her father had set down all his papers and he was now observing her.

     "Are you okay?" her father asked. "You're awfully red."

     Cassia blushed furiously and tried to keep her expression as neutral as possible. If her father knew what happened in his very castle the day before, she would be banished from their planet.

     "Yes, now what is the plan?" Cassia asked.

     "We are to host a speech in town. Where we will speak about Kain and his followers and warn others of them," her father said. "But, I have a feeling Kain might show up for this event, so we will have knights littered everywhere in case. We either merely warn our people to hunt down Kain and his followers or we will have our final duel with them."

     Cassia nodded, but no excitement filled her. She would love to drive her dagger through Kain, but with Hunter still following his father's orders, she wondered what she'd do if Hunter was amongst the crowd.

     "I have a question," Cassia said, her hands clasping together as she wrung them. "Why did you want to become king in the first place?"

     Her father frowned. "Well, why wouldn't I want to be king?"

     "I don't know, it seems like a lot of work."

     Her father's eyebrows furrowed and Cassia shrugged. Her hands wrung more and more as time ticked on.

     "Well, it's because I feel like it is my rightful place," her father said. "It's unfortunate kings are chosen based on inheritance rather than skill because I always knew I'd be a better king than Kain."

     "But what makes you think you'd be a good king?"

     "I like structure and peace. I like planning and plotting. People can say what they want about me, but Oflaria has flourished ever since I became king. My citizens are healthy and our island it wealthy, and this is all my doing."

     Cassia paused. As she thought of what Astra once told her, she blurted out her next words.

     "I've heard you tax too heavily."

     Her father stiffened, his eyes widening slightly before he wore a serious expression.

     "Well, how else would we have free healthcare?" her father asked. "You are young, Cassia. You don't understand the changes I made to our island. Before the sick would have crippling debt over their health, but I saved them from that fate. So, am I still the monster you are inquiring I am?"

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