Chapter 16 ~ Canon Development???

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AN: Let's do out best for this week as well~!!!! Hope you guys have a great day and week ahead of you~!!!!

"Hah... These pictures are not that great huh... It's hard to identify what I want from these books. Although their drawings are not bad, I wish they'd taken the picture with a DSLR..."


What? Yes I know I'm unreasonable.

The book I'm currently reading is a book about various plant oils that could be found in the kingdom. And around me were many other books about plants, herbs, spices, and a few books about economics and business, all clattered all over my bed.

I'm currently trying to find plant oils that I could use to make a DIY shampoo and conditioner as well as learning the basics of business since I want to sell them in the future. Why? Because get this... This world doesn't have those!

Hah... I know the era here is still behind my previous world, but as a girl, I can't stand washing my hair with soap anymore.

My poor hair... It's so beautiful yet I can't do you justice. I'm so sorry...

As I caressed my hair, I continue to look for oils, more specifically coconut, olive, castor, or other essential oils from plants.

First I want to make castile soap, which would make the rest of the process to make shampoo and conditioner easier.

After a while, I found several plants that resembled the plants I'm looking for based on their characteristics and properties.

Essential oils are easy since I could just extract them from flowers around the house and olive oil is usually used in cooking. The two only things I'd need to really make sure that it really is what I'm looking for are coconut and castor oils.

Thank God mom's a DIYer... She'd always buy these things and try to make soaps, shampoos, and other things on her own.

It's her hobby, and she'd also drag me into this. I used to feel lazy to join her but now, I can't thank her enough!

As I'm listing the names of the plants and the oils, Anne came running into my room.

"Alterisa-sama! Why are you still in your pajamas?! And why is this room so messy?! Please take a bath quickly and prepare for your meeting with his highness-!"

"Ah, Anne! Good timing! Can you ask someone to buy this stuff for me?"

"E-Eh? O-Of course. But if I may ask, what will you be needing this for?"

"Hehehe, just wait Anne. When I'm done, you'll be the first to try my creation!"

"E-Eh... W-Would it be alright...?"

Hm, what's this? She doesn't look as excited as I'd expect. Why is she looking so worried instead?

"It's fine~! Just hurry and go so we can prepare quickly~"

"Hah... I understand. Please enter the bathroom and cleanse yourself as I clean the room and tell someone to buy the things you wish for. I will return shortly."

"Okay~ Thank you, Anne."

Anne bowed and went to ask someone to do my errands.

I slowly swim through the pool of books and head to the bathroom. After taking off my flannel pajamas, I rinse myself then went into the tub.

"Hah... It's so good..."

Warm baths are the greatest! And after I did some experimentation and try out things, I'll be able to make shampoo and conditioner for my hair!

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