Chapter 79 ~ A Truly Grand Celebration

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[3rd Person POV]

Last year was an especially busy year in the noble society.

With the celebration of the Crown Prince, the first son of Duke Lorya, first son of Duke Varion, and the Royal Guard Commander's first son's special 15th birthday, all nobles have been spending most of their time preparing for their birthday parties.

None would dare come into a celebration banquet that all the influential high ranking nobles and the royal family attend without adequate preparations, and thus, all nobles who sought to establish themselves, expand their networks, and introduce themselves to those of higher rankings had to put in extra efforts into their appearance and preparations. Perhaps, if they were lucky, they could also establish a relationship with the future leaders of the kingdom, the children who will turn into adults themselves.

And this year was not that different.

Many flowers of high society also celebrated their 15th birthday this year, including the beautiful first daughter of Duke Silium, the first daughter of grand magus, first daughter of the royal guard commander, and the rising star of the noble society and first daughter of Marquis Luminum. However, there was one in particular that everyone paid attention to and focused their preparations for.

The birthday of the famous Lady Alterisa von Lorya, first daughter of Duke Lorya, fiancee of the crown princess, owner of the extremely popular company in all of Arcadia "Eden", and the most beautiful young lady of the kingdom.

Her appearance alone would have attracted many to come for the chance of catching a glimpse of her otherworldly beauty, or perhaps even a smile if they were lucky.

However, her position as the first daughter of the duke and the crown princess and her achievements in the business world that have made many acknowledge her business and company as not just a result of a rich nobles daughter's hobby, but a result of ingenuity, hard work, and genius, and her well-known kindness, magnanimity, and compassion had made her fifteenth birthday into a kingdom-wide event that is celebrated by nobles and commoners alike.

It was a truly grand event, and an extremely important one for the noble's society.

Core family members of famous ducal and marquis households, such as Duke Varion, Duke Silium, Marquis Luminum, as well as members of similarly prominent families such as Lord Raeven and Lady Magus were set to come.

After all, it is well-known that it wasn't only the relationship between their households that were close, but the relationship between Lady Alterisa herself and the children of those families were also extremely close.

And needless to say, members of the royal family will also attend the 15th birthday of the future crown princess.

With all of their sweat, tears, and blood poured into their preparations of this grand event, all the nobles who had received invitation from the ducal household Lorya made their way to the grand estate where the celebration of the fifteenth birthday of their first daughter will be held.


[Alterisa's POV]

Aaahhh... It's happening again... Now that we're getting close to the main event, I'm getting nervous again...

I knew it was going to be like this... I am the daughter of the prime minister who is also a great duke and the owner of Eden, so it makes sense that many would come considering it is my 15th birthday.

But I seriously didn't expect every single person mom and dad invited to come!!!! Like, what?!

Some even came from their fiefs outside of the royal capital, just to attend my birthday party?! I'm really thankful, but seriously, you don't need to bother yourself with this!!! I'm happy to celebrate it with my friends and families alone!!!

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