Chapter 81 ~ First Dance

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[Alterisa's POV]

I entered the dance circle and immediately searched for Alex. There's a lot of people already here, some with their partners while some are still searching for one.

As I was looking around, I could see some of my friends already with a dance partner. I could see Evelyn and Illya with her father, Noir with Luke, and Keith with a red-haired girl as well, most likely his little sister.

The others I couldn't find since it's really crowded, and I'm also busy searching for Alexus.

But a few moments later, I noticed a few girls staring dazedly towards something. They're all daughters of nobility whose name I've memorized from all my studies.

I followed the direction they were looking and I finally found him, dressed in a pure white suit and pants with lavender embroideries along its edges and a lavender colored tie.

Kuhh! Why didn't I think of that earlier?! If I want to find him at a party, I should just find the biggest group of girls and I'll most likely find him in the middle of it!

I made my way to him, lifting up the hem of my dress slightly and slightly increased my walking speed.

With all my etiquette and combat training, I could walk quickly and dodge the crowds while still maintaining the proper etiquette of not moving my torso much. I can even do it without making my boobs jiggle all over the place! I'm really proud of that!

As soon as I arrived near him, he immediately turned and trained his eyes onto me with a bright smile.

Wow, does he have eyes behind his head? He turned around even though I hadn't even called his name.

"Please forgive my tardiness, Alexus-sama."

I curtsied and lowered my head. I would normally just say sorry to him, but unfortunately, I'm in a public setting, so I need to ask for forgiveness politely.

Then, Alexus moved closer to me. Super close. Like, "my boobs could almost touch his chest" close!

Hah... As usual, he has no sense of personal space huh? He did it like it's natural too... Thankfully, he doesn't seem to act this way to other people, so I guess it's fine?

"There is no need for you to apologize, Risa. Were you busy greeting the guests?"

I raised my head and... Yep, his face is also super close. I'm pretty tall for girls my age, but my head is still barely above his shoulder height. So when I look up, my face is pretty close to his considering how close he is to me.

And as I expected, my boobs are almost touching his chest.

"Uhn, I was greeting my business partners. All of them came, surprisingly enough, even though most of them lived quite far away from the royal capital. So I can't just ignore them."

"I see. Well, that is to be expected. After all, you've changed their lives greatly and for the better."

"Hehehe~ I hope so~"

"Well then. Now that you're here..."

Alex suddenly kneeled down before me and raised his hand to ask for mine.

"May I have the honor to receive your first dance on your fifteenth birthday, Lady Alterisa?"


My face immediately blushed red as I heard muffled shrieks and whispers from a few distance away.

W-What is this guy doing?! There's no need for you to do any of this?! Is he putting on a show?! Why haven't I heard about this?!

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