In the blink of an eye

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(Tommy's P.O.V.)
We where all enjoying our day off in the livingroom. Fievel was playing with some toys on the ground. Polly was reading a book in the corner. Arthur, John, Finn, Michael and I where playing a card game. Every once in a while Fievel would walk over and hand one of us a toy. You know for safe keeping. John already had a wooden car, a ball and a puzzle piece. Where he found that puzzle piece I dont know. Suddenly out the corner of my eye  I saw a police truck pull up onto my property. Another car was also behind it. I laid down my cards and stood up to look out the window. "Shit" I cursed.

(Filly's P.O.V.)
I looked up when dad cursed. The peacefull room was now filled with tension. Everyone except me stood up and watched the door carefully. "Daddy?" I whimpered and reached out to him. He sushed me and carefully stepped towards the livingroom door. But before he could take another step the door swung open and all hell broke loose. The policemen yelled out to my family not to intervene. Dad called out my name and reached out for me. But he was grabbed by two officers while I was picked up by a strange man. "No!" Dad yelled out. I cried out for him while this man carried me away.

(Tommy's P.O.V.)
I tried getting free from the officers. But they had a tight grip. Richard laughed sinister and explained that the court had granted the Tran's full custody of Fievel. "I told you, Shelby, that I will get my boy" Richard said laughing evily. Before leaving with Fievel screaming his lungs out. "You may have him. But he will never want to be yours. And he will always came back to us" I growled and trashed around before I was pushed back. The door was closed roughly and my anger was replaced by this empty feeling and let out a raspy breath. Polly walked and angrily slapped and hit me. "Why did you fucking do that?! Why did you have to go to London and tell that, bastard about Fievel" she screamed. She was starting to cry but continued to hit me. "You just had to be a fucking alpha male. You just had to be the one that was above another". I deserved this, I should not have gone to London and poked around in the lion's den. But me and everyone else knew that Filly was going to do everything to come back to us. We may not be able to go to him, but the court didn't say anything about him coming to us. And I have a feeling he might be doing that.

Published: 27th of March 2021

Sorry for the short chapter. Hopefully the next once are longer

From a streetkid to a Peaky Blinder (Peaky Blinders)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ