I'm a Peaky Blinder

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(Fievel's P.O.V)
I walked forward toward Raymond. Through my men who had their guns pointed at me. "Even at battle, you don't even have the balls to stand at the front" I told him and stopped, "be carefull Fievel" he sneered, "you're finding yourself on enemy territory". I raised an eyebrow and looked around me. At the men and the raised guns. "Actually. You're the one on the enemies territory" I told him simply. Within a second every masked member turned their guns and now pointed them towards Raymond. I chuckled as I saw the fear drain on his face. Behind me the Blinders also acted suprised, of course they also had no idea that I had planned this"You betrayers!" He screamed loudly at them, "the only betrayer is you, Raymond. They've never left my side" I told him. My mind flashed back to the memory of me standing in front of my gang over a week ago. There I had told them the plan, that was now in working. I had ordered them to follow Raymond as soon as he told them of my death. Some disagreed, wanting to kill him right away but I refused. It's my game after all. "It's over, Raymond" I told him, "you can walk away and never return or I'll kill you right here and now" I said and pointed my gun up to his face. He watched me with a glare, contemplating what to do. Then he grabbed my hand, snatched the gun away and then pulled me close to him while digging my Webley revolver into my skull. Everyone immediatly grabbed their guns and pointed it at him. "Don't fucking move!" He threatened, "I'll fucking kill him" he sneered pushing the gun harder into my skull. "You're making it worse for yourself, Raymond" Arthur told him as everyone watched Raymond pull me back to a car. "You're going to pay for this" he whispered into my ear. As we almost made it to his car, one of my men took a warning shot. This angered Raymond and he moved his gun to my shoulder and then pulled the trigger. Pain shot through my shoulder and a yell errupted from my lungs. I saw that everyone was about to take a shot but I told them not to. "Stand down!" I ordered loudly and my men hesitated but listened. But none of the Blinders did. "Dad! Stand down!" I told him, "I can't do that" he replied and took a step forward, making Raymond threaten to shoot me again. "I'll be alright. This is between me and Raymond". I could see that he was feeling conflicted but he then lowered his gun, the rest of the Blinders following his move. I was pushed inside the car and then Raymond followed. While keeping the gun against my head, he drove off. "Fuck! Fuck!" He cursed as he drove out of Small Heath. He knew he was in trouble now. It didn't matter if he killed me, because he certainly would be killed by my family. "Raymond-" I began but was cut off "shut up! Just shut the hell up". "Kill me now and you'll end up dead aswell. So stop the car and do the right thing" I told him, "the only right thing here is me pointing the gun right at your fucking face. So shut up!". I had to think of a plan and fast before he did end up deciding to just shoot me. So my only option was to grab the gun. He didn't see it coming and lost a bit of control of the car. We fought against each other for the gun, while he tried keeping the car straight. But he was unsuccesfull and crashed the car.

I crawled out of the car and so did Raymond. I pushed myself up to my feet and stumbled away from the car wreck. I knew Ray was going to hunt me down, even through the pain that he suffered in the wreck aswell. And I had no way of protecting myself. I looked around the area where we had chrashed. I smirked realising it was familiar and I knew a place where I could find a gun. I stumbled into the right building and found the room where the guns where held. I opened the cabinet and pulled the rifle out. "Fievel!" I heard Raymond angrily call out. It was close by, but thankfully not to close. I loaded the gun as he continued to talk. "He killed my brother!" He yelled and I sighed realizing his motive to kill Tommy. "They all laughed before leaving him to die". "But now I realize that it will hurt him, much more, if I kill you!". "So you're a dead man" he yelled and I could hear some rounds being fired off. I pushed myself up and made my way further through the factory building. Walking through the place where they load truck and keeping an eye out for Raymond. Bullets suddenly flew past my head and I quickly dove behind a wooden crate. "Had enough?" I heard Ray call out. I carefully peaked behind the crate to tey and spot him. He was standing on a dock but before I could aim and fire at him, he shot at me, making me quickly hide again. "I've fot plenty more bullets, Fievel. And this time, Im going to make sure you stay fucking dead". I stood up and took a blind shot at Raymond to provide for some form of cover before moving to a different spot. But he was in a far better spot then me and could shoot endlessly without exposing himself. Right before I was behind some cover I felt a bullet hut me again. I groaned and held my side but thankfully it was only a graze. I then noticed he needed to reload and I toom the opportunitu to shoot at him. I heard him growl in pain and I knew I had managed to hit him. While Ray was trying to recover from the pain, I took off again. But running drained the energy out of me and made me more weak but I kept pushing myself to continue to make it up the stairs to the second level of the warehouse. I got light headed and fell down. I coughed and blood splattered against the iron flooring. I pushed myself up by using a nearby railing that looked down to the load docks. "Drop your gun!" Raymond yelled in rage as he appeared in front of me, gun raised up at me, "do it!" He screamed again as I was to slow for his liking. I scoffed but obeyed and laid down the gun that I had found. I looked over Raymond and saw some blood, indicating he was also shot aswell, but I had it worse. Ray stepped forward and kicking my gun away preventing me from reaching for it. "Get on your fucking knees" he sneered oushing the gun against me to make me go faster. I groaned and moved. But instead of going onto my knees, I charged forward and tackled him. But instead of going down the ground, the force knocked him off his feet so hard that he stumbled back towards a window. And the both of us crashed through the glass before falling down from the second floor onto the hard road. I landed on my back and air escaped my lungs. Desperatly I tried to find some air while rolling to my side. The adrenaline made me move and my brain didn't give me a chance to even think about possible broken bones or something else. Raymond was also now much worse as he now was also grasping for air. Anger was now fueling my veins and I crawled forward towards him. I bald up my hand into a fist and I delivered a punch in his face. Then he punched me. This weak fighting went on between us for some time. But then I spotted his gun, it got dropped during the fall from the second floor. Raymond noticed me looking to somewhere else and looked into its direction. Realizing it was the gun he began to crawl away from me. The two of us crawled with much pain towards the gun. Both wanting to be the first. It was painfull as I had to crawl or pull myself over obstacles. Like wooden pallets or boxes. It was more frustrating than painfull considering Raymond was now closer to the gun. "Fievel!" I heard my father call out in the distance. I ignored him and kept pushing myself forward. I had to reach that gun!

(Tommy's P.O.V.)
"Fievel" I yelled out trying to find my son. After he and Raymond had left. I quickly went after them. I wasn't even out of Small Heath, when I stumbled upon a car wreck. I realized quickly that it was the car from Fievel and Raymond. Without even turning the car off, I got out. Looking around the wreck, I noticed some tracks. Like someone crawled out the car before stumbling up to their feet and walking away. I followed the tracks to an old two story warehouse. "Fievel?" I called oit but nothing came in return. Looking around the warehouse, I found some blood drops. I hoped that it belonged to Raymond, but I was not sure. Following the blood, I came by a gun. I picked it up and looked around. Then I saw broken window. They must have fought one another so much that they fell through the glass and down to the ground from the second floor. "Fievel!" I yelled out of the window. But nothing came in return. I tried to find a quick way down. Before I could find one, the sound of a gunshot filled the air. Fear consumed my stomach and I instantly took off. While running towards the sound of the gunshot. Multiple scenarious played kn my mind. But the only one that stayed stuck in my brain was the one where Fievel had been shot. I arrived at the scene and my heart stopped. Fievel was sat against a railing with his head hanging down. Raymond was not far away from him sitting almost exactly like him. I ignored Ray and ran straight to Fievel. I landed on my knees and took a hold of my son's face. I sighed with relief as I saw his eyes flutter open and a smirk form on his lips. He weakly lifted his arm to show me the gun and I knew instantly that he was the one who had pulled the trigger. He motioned for me to help him stand up and that's what I did. With him leaning on my shoulder we walked past Raymond. He was still alive although barely as he coughed up blood. Fievel always shot right and this time it was no exception. Right in the chest, by the lungs.
"You never belonged with them!" Ray loudly yelled as he continued to choke on his blood. Fievel instantly stopped as Ray continued, "you'll always be an outsider, Fievel. Just a fucking scared street kid". Filly pulled himself away from me to stand on his own. He was a bit out of balance but managed to stay standing on his feet. And with a weak yet powerfull stance he moved forward towards Raymond.

(Fievel's P.O.V)
"Oh, I am not denying that I am not. Infact I was proud to be a street kid" I said with coldness and took some steps forward to the dying man that I once called my friend. "But I'm not that kid anymore" I said and lowered to my knees before grabbing a hold of him. I placed my face next to his to whisper in his ear "I went from a street kid to a Peaky fucking Blinder". I pulled back to look him in his eyes. Raymond chuckled weakily before taking his last breath and in my arms he died. I pushed myself back up to my feet and looked down at him. "And you don't fuck with Peaky Blinders".

The End.

Thank you for reading. Hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I had writing it.

From a streetkid to a Peaky Blinder (Peaky Blinders)Where stories live. Discover now