An escapist

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(Tommy's P.O.V.)
The door closed behind Fievel as he left the house. I huffed annoyed and turned around to walk out of the back door. "Thomas" I heard Polly call out after me but I ignored her completely and left the house aswell. After that I havent spoken to Fievel. But I have seen him around town. I walked inside the Garrison and saw that no one was being served the expensive drinks. The occupients where only drinking tap beer. I walked up to Harry and raised an eyebrow. "Is there something wrong with the other drinks?" I asked him as I leaned on the bar. Harry stayed sipent for a moment but then explained "the bottles are all cross contaminated". "Meaning?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "The bottles of whiskey have been contaminated with apple-cider. The vodka with beetroot juice. And the tequilla has wine mixed with it. The only thing I can serve is beer" he said helpless. "Fucking bastard" I said annoyed and walked to the door. With an angry stride I walked around Small Heath. Suddenly out came a voice. "Seems to me that you found my suprise". I turned my head and saw Fievel leaning against a wall. He turned his head to face me.

"You think thats funny" I snapped at him with anger

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"You think thats funny" I snapped at him with anger. He pushed himself from the wall and smirked at me. "I think that its fucking hilarious at how angry you got about something as simple as mixing some drinks" he said with joy and a smirk played on his lips. "Why are you doing all of this?" I asked him. "Isnt it obvious. You ruined my life. And now Im going to ruin yours" he said with a glint of evil in his eyes.

(Fievel's P.O.V.)
"You've played enough Fievel. Im ordering you too stop" he said like a parenting ordering their kid to stop playing with their vegetables. I chuckled at him "ohh that might have worked when I was your so called son" I said as sarcasm dripped from my tongue. "But now? Ha! Never again" I told him. "So go ahead. Make me" I challenged. His eyes narrowed and his fists clenched. A thoothy smirk appeared on my face as I realized what he was going to do. His fist flew forward towards my face. But I easily dodged it by ducking down and then stepping around him. Tommy turned around in shock that he missed, he never misses. "Well. This was fun. But I got to go, something tells me the racehorses havent been out in a while" I told him about my next stunt I wanted to pull on him. I turned around on my heels. I had taken two steps and stopped and snickered as I saw John and Arthur step into the alleyway aswell. Blocking my exit. Arthur grabbed me and turned me around before John pushed me onto my knees to the ground.  Both holding my arms in place. Tommy walked up to me. "You're going to stop with what you're doing. If not Im going to cut your eyes out" he warned low. The razor blades in his cap shined in the sun when it reflected on them. I'll admit that my heart broke even more as he told me his threat. But I pushed it away, I wont let him break me anymore. Ill be the one breaking him "Do I make myself clear, son?" He growled mocking the last word.

(Tommy's P.O.V.)
"I understand" Fievel said and he hung his head low in defeat. I stood back up and straightened my back. "Good". "I understand everything. Well. Except that hideous coat" he said before jerking his arms back hitting both John and Arthur in the stomachs. They grumbled forward in a groan amd they instantly let go of Fievel. He quickly stood up and pushed my brothers towards me. Their bodies collided with mine and the three of us fell to the ground. "Argh. Fucking bastard!" Arthur cursed after Fievel as we just saw him round the corner flipping us off. "Get him" I said and pushed myself of the ground before running after Fievel. "He went over there" a young Peaky Boy said pointing into the direction of an abandoned factory. The doors smacked open after we bursted in. "Fievel Shelby! Get fucking out here now!" I yelled angry. "Havent heard that name in quite a while" Fievel's voice said from above us. My head snapped upwards and I saw him standing on a metal walkway and he leaned onto the metal fence and looked down at us. He cheekily waved at us from up there. I told my brothers to go up the stairs to the left while I took the right. I knew he was playing games with us. He stayed completely still, just watching us as we came up the stairs. "You're trapped like a mouse now, boy" Arthur said with a chuckle as we closed in on Fievel. The corner of his lip quirked up into a curl. "Oh am I?" He asked my brother. Arthur furrowed his eyes in confusion. He quickly turned away from me and jumped from the metal platform towards chains that where hanging from the roof of the building. The chain rattled as it went down with Fievel's weight. He succesfully landed on his feet and turned around while walking backwards. He lifted his hand up and did a soldier's salute at us before taking of again. I hit the iron bar of the fence in angered and frustration.

Published: 6th of November 2021
phoenixesZanzibar requested an update.

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