The court day.

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Y/Ex/N means : your ex name.


The court day. The day has finally come. You wake up strong and ready for the battle. After an hour of conversations with Henry and Andy, you felt confident you can win the case.

You were getting ready when Henry entered the bathroom, dressed smartly, bringing a small bouquet of flowers. Henry gave you the flowers and stole the kiss.

"That's so nice of you Henry, thank you. I am not even mad that you smeared my lipstick."

"No need to thank me, darling. You look stunning, with the lipstick or without." Henry kissed you again and after the kiss, he asked another question:

"How do you feel? Are you nervous?"

"Just a little, I have never been questioned in front of the judge."

"Understandable. I will be there, Andy is going to be there, there is nothing to worry about."

Once your dad came over to babysit your son, you and Henry were on your way to the courthouse. The hearing was pretty straightforward, however, there was a situation that made you stressed. The lawyer of your ex-husband made a speech that showed you, as a mother in the bad light.

Andy attacked: "Objection! Nathan, age 6, has never been exposed to the media, and his identity has been unknown to the journalists. My client will make sure that whoever will take a picture of this child, will blur his face."

The judge scanned his papers and then announced: " What I can see Miss Y/N and Mr. Cavill are taking very good care of their son. I would not worry about child safety at this moment. What I can see, is that there is a problem with a child support payment. Is it something you want to say about this Mr. Y/Ex/ N?"

Your ex looked at his lawyer who was searching through his papers in panic, completely ignoring the judge's question. Andy turned around to show you thumbs up, letting you know there is nothing to worry about.

The judge continued: "Everything is clear now. In terms of the main case: I don't see the exposition of the child. Nathaniel will remain to live with his mother. Case dismissed. However, Mr. Y/Ex/N will need to pay a higher child support. It will be 20 % of his income. If he is going to fail to pay it on time, this amount will be taken directly from his earnings. Thank you for your time."

The whole stress from the last couple of weeks left your body. Henry lifted you from your hair and hugged you. You stood there still in a little shock, looking towards your ex-husband who started to shout at his lawyer. You were glad that you left him as you couldn't recognize this person.

Henry, Andy, and you were in the car park when Henry received an unexpected phone call. He excused himself and came back to the main building. You wanted to use this opportunity to thank Andy.

"Andy, thank you so much for what you have done for us today. Thanks to you, I can keep my baby. I will never forget it. " You hugged Andy, but this handsome lawyer moved his face and placed a juicy kiss on your lips. You stepped back.

"Andy what the hell!" Mr. Barber smiled proud of his himself :

" Y/N, I won't apologize for that. I know you want me. I know you want a simple life, far away from tabloids and highlights. Think about it, you can have it with me."

You were furious. Andy Barber must be put to his place.

"You don't know me, Barber. You have crossed the line. I will choose whom to kiss. It's always going to be Henry! "

At this moment Henry appeared next to your car, completely unaware of the kiss and the argument. Cavill placed his palm on your lower back, kissed your cheek, and asked are you ready to go home.

When you sat in the car you looked into the rear mirrors and could see Andy staring at you. Thank God, this conversation was over, but what are you going to say to Henry?

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