Friends and Foes

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The next morning, Taehyung woke up to a cold bed.

He wasn't really expecting to greet his morning with the warm sun on his face and breeze wafting through the curtains, while being cocooned in the arms of the man he'd gone to bed with.

No. Taehyung was all but delusional like that.

But still, he couldn't help the low feeling that invaded him anyway.

The silver head yawned, sullenly looking out of the window at the grey storm brewing outside.

Well, a warm sun would really be nice though.

An occasional wet breeze hauled in through the ajar glass panels, making the boy flinch and curl further inside the duvet. A sharp pain shot up his spine, going to spreading down his nerves and making the boy groan silently.

He lifted the covers to peek at his evidently still naked body, lying numb and bruised beneath the covers. Taehyung sighed softly, staring down at the small purple hickey forming into a bruise on his inner left thigh. He grimaced, gingerly caressing the throbbing skin under his fingers as his mind went back to the events of the previous night.

First off, he was sure to be hit with a wave of utter, sheer embarrassment. Taehyung found it hard to believe he had actually begged the gangster to take him last night. Taehyung had always known he was attracted to the older male by more than a bit, but begging him for sex? That was definitely far right from left field.

He couldn't even recall what set him off and threw him so out of character. Was it some action Jungkook did? Or a statement? Taehyung didnt remember at all. All he recalled was feeling this inextricably tender feeling of heartbreak coursing through his heart, that he had chose to laugh off as a better option than suddenly bawling his eyes out for no apparent reason.

Then he heard the name. Kim, his own surname that had managed to scrape his heart everytime he heard it, for all it did was one thing--remind him of his father. Late Mr. Kim Sunghyo. Even after the man died a sudden death from alcohol poisoning, that surname stuck to an orphan Taehyung like a bitter taste in his mouth.

Something he could never forget for the rest of his life.

It remained. Like bile bubbling in the back of his throat, vague but persistent. Still controlling every ounce of Taehyung's being like it used to when he was alive.

And then before he knew he had blurted out shit to piss off the boss and ran away into a deserted farm field in the middle of the night.

He must've really lost his mind.

But that didn't mean Taehyung regretted everything that went down last night. Oh no, no.

On the contrary the silver head was slightly glad the sudden upsurge of confidence had somehow managed to unleash his innermost desires in the most unexpected way. Albeit with unstoppable vulgarity, his own foul mouth had worked wonders in turning on both Jungkook and himself... to a point where they made love repeatedly all throughout the night.

Yes, all, throughout.

The silver head ducked his face inside the covers, hiding his red cheeks as if there was someone else in the room watching him. The innumerable hickeys stung on his sensitive skin, making the boy wince out in sojourn pleasure.

The gangster had really kept his word.

He had gone rough and used Taehyung however he wanted, just like he had asked, throwing the boy into the back seat of the car and holding his legs up while pumping roughly into him. Then later, Taehyung found himself on his knees, hungrily sucking onto his boss's re-awoken dick, trying to make him cum for the third time that night which again was proving to be a difficult task as usual.

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