The born killer

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"Jungkook, come here."

The young boy turned his head at the man's call, short black curls bouncing on his little forehead.

"Wha-whatsh this?" His little doe eyes fell on the shinning black metallic object siting pliantly on the man's palm, his own orbs twinkling in excitement.

"Oh this?" The man grinned, twirling the semi automatic revolver between his fingers,"it's made for you... s'called the King Cobra."

"Whatsh a Kim G-Gobra?" The boy questioned, scrambling to grab hold of the lethal object that was dropped into his little hands.

The man laughed and slapped his thigh before smiling down at the cute boy who was now playing around with the bullet barrel that popped out of its middle, rotating it with his small fingers.

"Careful there now," the man tutted, pulling it away from the boy who began whining to get it back,"It's used to kill people."

"K-eel? How?" Jungkook asked back, thin pink lips forming a small pout as he made grabby hands for the supposed toy.

The man smirked, handling the gun back to boy and guiding his little fingers towards the loop of the trigger.

"You hold it like this, and put your finger here--" He turned the boy on his feet and raised his hands, aiming the gun at a random worker who gulped in response, eyes wide, "And--"



Jungkook snapped out of his thoughts, eyes zoning out from the lustrous metallic object sitting snugly upon a red pillow behind a clear glass case and perched high upon the display rack in his father's office.

His eyes slithered down to the brass plate nailed at the base of the frame, taking in the letters engraved on them.

His eyes slithered down to the brass plate nailed at the base of the frame, taking in the letters engraved on them

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Colt K. Cobra. Ltd. Edition '98

Namjoon took a deep breath and faced the suited man sitting across the table, watching them without a sliver of emotion in his vacant brown eyes.

"We deeply regret the incident sir," Namjoon bowed at the man who simply blinked in response.

"So do i, Namjoon." Jaesung finally said, momentarily shifting his gaze to his son sitting idly in front of him,"So do i."

Jungkook looked up and locked his gaze with his father's, equally emotionless, but it was almost as if a whole conversation went on between them for those few seconds and in a language only they seemed to know.

"How's that-- um kid doing? The one who got shot? What was his name?" The older man questioned, furrowing his brows in an attempt to look concerned, though everyone knew he really wasn't.

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