Push me against the wall, I dare you, you can try but I won't be the one submitting tonight, not to your capitalistic racist homophobic agenda you think is hidden in your pants but it's not, you need some tighter jeans, kid.

Get on your knees, motherfucker, keep your hands behind your back like a good girl.
Oh, I'm sorry, you're a man?
I couldn't tell, I heard your whiny rich boy voice and assumed you were just screaming.
Just keep your mouth open, so good kitten, yeah just like that,
I can't wait to pour my poison in and watch you choke see you die right there at my feet.

Foaming at the mouth, through a gag made of stone, your pleas don't mean shit to me,
Its just fun to watch you explode,
Watch you suffocate
Hear you beg for mercy
But all I give you is another slash to the chest, that money chest, watch the washington's rain out like holy water from a priest's eyes,
But you don't deserve that specialty, I'll douse those bills in gasoline and watch your skin burn because in the end it's just more paper.

Spread your legs, little girl, let me see your money maker,
The mouth that makes us lie every day for the sake of a little shake to our core.

Arch your back, rich boy, look up at me, let me hear you scream as that precious diamond of yours digs into your skin, all your dumb decisions and things you've done to fuck us less fortunate over coming back to haunt you, to rip you apart.

Don't try to take control, don't try to push me around and be your slave when it'll just end up woth your flesh a steaming heaping pile melting into the cracks on the white house's playroom's tile floor.

Heartless and DisorientatedWhere stories live. Discover now