Chapter 26

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The next day, Sam had nearly healed completely. All that was left was a slight limp that you probably wouldn’t have even noticed if you didn’t know him well. He begged to stay with us for awhile longer. He said he wanted to keep an eye on me since Liam wasn’t at full strength, but I think he is really just lonely. I told Liam we should send Sam to some neighboring packs to find his mate.

The boy is getting a little clingy for my taste.

After two days, Liam can no longer stand to be in my room any longer and manages to make his way down the stairs and into the den where Sam has hooked up some gaming thing and they spend way too much time shooting things.

Ugh, men.

I notice Sam’s things around the house, extra clothes in his room and I start to wonder if he’s trying to slowly move in with us. I can’t help but laugh. It’s such a ‘Sam’ thing to do.

I travel the pack, visiting the other fighters that were injured in the battle, but all they want to do is talk about Liam, so I just invite them all to the house. Which was a mistake because then we have a constant stream of pack members milling in and out to visit with him. He seems to enjoy it and his mood evens out, but I really want to spend some time with him to explore this new dynamic he has presented.

Preferably with my mouth.

I just started kissing the man and I can say with absolute certainty that his mouth was made for sin and I have no problem indulging.

As excited as I am about him being willing to try a real relationship, every time I think about having sex with him a part of me just feels hesitant. I know that when we take that step, not only will it seal the mate bond, but it will be the most intense sexual experience I have ever had. Some of the other women have talked about experiencing your mate for the first time compared to others and it is incredible and overwhelming. One chick even said she passed out from coming so hard.

Sweet Jesus I didn’t even know that was possible.

But I’m willing to find out.

This has been one hell of a dry spell and I need some freaking rain!

Finally, after four days we get an evening to ourselves. Liam is basically healed, his wound is just a little tender. He said if it had been a regular blade that injury would have healed in hours but, since it was silver, it was taking days. Pack members were finally convinced that their Alpha was not on death's door and Sam was settled back at the packhouse. We had to promise to let him stay over two nights a week (bartered down from five) and Liam threatened to Alpha command him back to the packhouse, but he finally left.

Liam and I finished dinner and agreed to watch a movie on the couch. Although I was hoping to not see a single minute of the movie. He starts some action thriller with a bunch of muscular men that I have no interest in watching sweat while beating other guys up for the next two hours, but decide to use this to my advantage.

"Mmmm... that guy is hot." I murmur under my breath. Liam's head snaps in my direction as he narrows his eyes.

"Which one?" He asks. I point to a random guy.

"That one." Liam whips out his phone and starts furiously typing as my eyebrows narrow in confusion.

"What are you doing?"

"Finding out where that guy lives so I can murder him. Let me know who else you think is hot. None of them are allowed to live." I throw my head back and laugh until I'm crying before I look over at Liam who is staring at me with awe.

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