Chapter 46

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It had been three weeks since my shift. Although it was strange having a second existence within me, with her own thoughts and opinions, nothing else had really changed. Liam and I had slid back into our routine. The only difference now was that I had an office at the packhouse, right next to Liam's. He had been a little more protective of me, but I couldn't blame him after almost losing me. That's where I was currently sitting, working on the merging of our packs.

It wasn't until after I shifted, hunted a deer, let Liam fuck me in a stream, then slept for eighteen hours straight, did Liam and Sam explain to me that we were now Alpha and Luna of the Mountain Peak pack. To say I was shocked that killing Kane earned me that title was an understatement.

But the douche bag deserved it.

Since their pack is so undeveloped, we decided to move them here. When the men found out that not only was their great Alpha taken down by a female human, but now they were going to be brought to said female's pack, they bolted. All of the men just up and left the women and the children, even their mates. I was horrified to learn of this. Even Liam and Sam were shocked. So now, we were sending them supplies to keep them alive until we could get enough housing set up and figure out how to transport them all here.

It had been a complete nightmare.

But we were nearing the end and it would only be a couple more weeks until they were here, and we could help them settle in. Liam was worried about security, that maybe some of them would be violent and angry due to their mates' behavior, but I figure if all of them were treated half the way Sophie was, they'd be grateful for the relocation. I couldn't even describe the relief I felt when I saw here name on the top of the list of people who would be coming.

I guess in the end she will get what she wanted. To live in our pack.

I'm pondering this when I hear a light knock at the door.

"Come in." I call absentmindedly as I count how many more beds we will need to order to be ready. I hear a shuffling of feet and my office door click closed.

I look up in time to see Chloe flip the lock.

I had tried many times over the last few weeks to spend time with her. Both with Sam and just the two of us. She always had an excuse; she was tired or not feeling up to it. Sam was becoming increasingly irritated, his normal patience waning. She had yet to let him mark her or make any effort to strengthen their bond. He said she wouldn't even allow him to sleep in the same bed, so he had taken up residence on the couch.

"Hey, Chloe! What do you need?" I ask cheerfully, trying to ignore the knot in my gut that twisted when she locked the door.

"I need you to leave my mate alone." She seethes.

I furrow my brow in confusion as I study her. She's leaned up against the door of my office, hands behind her, shaking a little, but it's pure fury in her eyes.

"What are you talking about?" I ask quietly.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. All he ever talks about is how great you are, how kind and thoughtful, how much better the pack has been since you came. Every time he leaves the house it's to be with you. Why do you think I haven't let him mark me yet? I don't want to feel what he's doing with you." She spits the last word in complete disgust. My jaw drops at her accusations and my skin crawls.

"Look, Chloe. I'm sorry if you somehow got the wrong impression, but Sam is my Beta and friend. Nothing more. He's more like a brother. I care for him deeply, but not in the way you just suggested. I love Liam and am very happy with him. And I know for a fact Sam would never cheat on you. Not with me, or anyone else." Her breathing increases, her chest heaving as if she's trying to catch her breath.

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