Chapter 30

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Liam threads his fingers through mine before pulling me into the meeting room. He makes sure that I stand next to him, not trail behind him as a symbol of unity and equality. He guides me to the raised platform at the front of the room where Sam is standing, his body rigid with tension. He has no idea what's going on and neither do I.

Only Liam knows what's about to happen.

He deposits me next to Sam and turns to eye the crowd. They're all nervous, shuffling from foot to foot and avoiding eye contact. They can feel his power humming and his rage rolling off of him like waves. It makes the air thick in the room and some of the wolves struggle not to fall on their knees and submit.

Liam looks over the crowd, his jaw set and eyes hard as they flick from member to member, searching for someone. When he finds his target, he jumps off the platform and speeds towards them. The crowd parts in his wake, not wanting to incur his wrath.

Liam's hand wraps around the bicep of Shaylene tightly. Her eyes go wide with fear and she flinches as Liam begins dragging her towards the platform. Once they arrive, he releases her roughly, nearly pushing her to the floor.

"It has come to our attention that this she wolf has been spreading rumors. How many of you are aware of this?"

Nearly half the pack raises their hands and Liam lets out a vicious snarl at Shaylene.

"For those of you unaware, she likes to make people think I cheat on your Luna with her." His face holds nothing but utter disgust and I hear horrified gasps from the crowd.

"She's obviously never felt a mate's touch. Nothing compares." He says while looking at me warmly before his eyes turn hard again and he looks back at Shaylene.

"You have one opportunity to defend yourself. What reasons did you have for lying, disrespecting your Alpha and Luna, as well as causing distrust and unease in your pack members?"

Shaylene begins shaking and looks towards the door. Liam snarls again, as does Sam who has taken a protective stance in front of me. All I can do is watch the scene unfold with fascination.

"Liam... please." Shaylene is practically begging. Liam growls loud enough to shake the platform and towers over her

"You WILL refer to me as Alpha." Liam seethes.

Shaylene stares at Liam, not breaking eye contact.

A direct threat.

Liam growls again and mutters "submit" so lowly I almost can't hear it. His waves of power increase to where they are stifling even for me and nearly the entire crowd drops to their knees and bares their necks. Shaylene flinches, but doesn't kneel. Liam growls at her again.

"Submit!" He yells, using his alpha tone. She finally drops to her knees and bares her neck to him. The authority in the room dissipates slightly, allowing the rest of the pack to stand again.

"How could you do such a thing? I took you in after your pack tried to kill you. I saved you from a life as a rogue, and this is how you repay me?" He asks incredulously. Shaylene narrows her eyes and looks from me back to Liam.

"She's not worthy of her status. She's a pathetic human and a terrible Luna. This pack deserves someone stronger. And so do you."

Liam's hands are balled into fists at his side. I think he's about to strike her, when an older she wolf jumps on the platform and smacks her hard across the face.

"How dare you, you little slut! Our Luna is fantastic! You keep your dirty little mouth shut about her!" This is met with raucous cheers from the crowd as Liam escorts the woman off the platform, smiling at his pack.

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