Kiss Me More

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Before you can even process it, the both of you are simultaneously pushing your lips against the other's. It's gentle, as the world falls away and it's like it's just the two of you on the planet. You pull away, feeling your heart beating seemingly in your throat, catching a glimpse of Jungkook with his eyes closed. He quickly notices the missing warmth of your lips and slowly opens his eyes. That's when the realization sinks in. As if you both share the same brain, you start apologizing to each other, your words leaping against Jungkook's in a furious competition of politeness.

You hold your breath waiting for Jungkook to finish what he's saying. You hear him announce your name and continue saying "I'm sorry. I should've asked or something, I'm sooo sorry." He says, finally taking a breath.

Your eyes widen in surprise at him. "Are you kidding? I was kissing back just as much as you were. I'm sorry that I, MYSELF didn't ask."

Jungkook looks down and lightly chuckles for a second, shaking his head. He looks back up at you. His eyes doing that beautiful sparkle thing that drives you crazy. He rubs his hands together than blows into them to combat the cold. "So um, if you couldn't tell, Teacher, I like you. Like a lot. Like crazy a lot. Seriously." He announces.

"Well lucky me! I like you too, Jungkook. Seriously. Like a lot. Like crazy a lot." You say, laughing a bit. "Truth be told, I wasn't sure. I thought I was in over my head and that you were just a nice person but, Namjoon reassured me earlier."

"Eh, while he can't hold a secret- I'm glad he told you." Jungkook concludes.

"To cut him some slack, he didn't distinctly say it. He just hinted at it. Like, veeeery specifically hinted at it." You explain.

"Hmph. Credits to him...I guess." He says, placing his hands together between his straightened out legs for warmth. "Hey, can I ask you a question?"

"Fire away." You say, turning your body a bit more toward him.

"Okay! So, how long have you liked me?" He asks, being well attentive to you.

"For like 30 minutes now. It's only because of the wine." You joke, as you watch Jungkook's face contort in confusion for a second but then turn into a smile, when he realizes it's a joke.

"Aw man really? I've liked you for an entire hour. I don't know if I can continue to put up with this one-sided crush." He says, adding on to the joke. You smile at him, shaking your head.

"No, but seriously, here's my real answer." You look around his face, the ever so delicate wind blowing strands of his black hair in front of it as he sits, expectantly looking at you. "I've liked you pretty much since the first lesson." You reveal. You watch Jungkook's face immediately light up before he quickly looks away in disbelief then back towards you.

"No way. Really?" He asks, a faint smile on his face.

"Yes, really. You're just... I don't know- angelic looking?" You tell him. He simply shakes his head and smiles as if he's getting ready to detest. "No, really! You are! And you did this thing- I don't know if it meant anything- but you looked at me and you did some type of little smile before writing the word 'pretty' on your practice paper. I'm sorry, you probably don't even remember doing it but it drove me absolutely insane. I hope I'm not scaring you off by saying that," you say, laughing nervously.

"You're kidding," Jungkook starts. "I beat myself up over that for so long because I thought it didn't phase you at all. Seriously! I couldn't tell one bit if you had noticed or anything." Jungkook reveals before letting out a light-hearted laugh.

"Oh yeah, I DEFINITELY noticed. But at the time I was telling myself to get a grip because you're a client and all that fun stuff."

"Wow. Well then, I should tell you that I've been secretly crushing on you since then too even though I thought you were a married woman."

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