Jungkook's Interlude

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Truth is, I remember that day like no other...mostly because it wasn't too long ago. But in truth, I remember it because it was the day I met her. I had been running away from some paparazzi after being seen leaving the company building and we had quite some trouble losing the fans. I was incredibly tired as we had just had a dance practice. I was not looking forward to having to do an English lesson with a teacher Sejin would typically just get rid of the next day like he'd done so many times before... Still though, I wanted to be a help to Namjoon and be able to communicate with my fans, so I went anyway.

I walked into that private school and waited outside the library doors as Sejin went in and checked everything out- listening to his murmurs with the new teacher. When he opened the door for me to walk in, I wasn't too excited and even upon first glance of her I still wasn't. She was sitting at a table reaching for something in the decorated bag that it seems she's always holding onto for dear life whenever she has it. I couldn't see her face but I was really into her outfit. She had incredible style, undoubtedly. Her hair was pulled back, with hair in front to decorate it. It was simple- but it somehow attracted me in some unusual way. I walked over to her as she rummaged through her bag and stood there waiting for her attention. I wasn't starstruck though until she looked over at me standing there, observing her like an idiot. I didn't believe in love at first sight but oh my gosh.

God, I wish I could've prepared more- looked better, had my name prepared- anything. She smiled at me, making me lose my words and I tripped up, forgetting my name. She was gorgeous, had the most amazing smile in the world. Everything about her was just- for lack of a better word- p e r f e c t. Thank God for her saving me though. Her talking gave me a little time to regain myself. She introduced herself to me and suddenly I felt like an idiot. Trying to avoid the fans, I was late and I felt stupid for it. Even worse, she looked as if she didn't want to teach me because it was getting so late. I had scheduled a late lesson because I was busy that day and goodness did I feel horrible over it.

Watching her face, I saw that she looked worried about going home late at night and understandably so. The least I could do was offer her a ride home for her safety if she was to still do the lesson, although I wouldn't blame her if she decided not to. And to my surprise, she agreed to still do the lesson. I felt I could trust her although I had just met her. Despite my celebrity status, she acted as if I was just another student which was refreshing but killed me at the same time. I wanted nothing more than for her to be as star-stricken over me as I was her for some odd reason. So I tried my best to work my charm. I even made sure she saw me write "pretty" because she was it's definition but she just looked away. She was KILLING ME and she wasn't even doing anything, which granted, was the problem.

By the end of the lesson, I resorted to my last option- compliments and asking her out for coffee, although I actually did feel bad for being late. But I couldn't even get that out. Sejin's a great manager but in that moment I hated him for interrupting my offer, but I managed to play it off. After all, there was the next lesson tomorrow that I could make my offer on anyway. But as soon as I walked out the doors of that library I remembered that horrible rule for close workers of BigHit- you have to be married.

Even still, knowing that she was married couldn't keep her out of my head, but boy was it disappointing. I told all of the boys about it starting from Joon that day and ending with Tae right as she was walking in the next day for our lesson. She looked as stunning as the day before and for a moment I was back at square one: nervous and speechless. I had to look at my phone the entire time to keep from forgetting that she was married. To be honest, I was almost hurt when Tae left me to defend myself against falling for her. But then I remembered that I could still just be her friend, even though I'd be treading on dangerous ground trying to do that.

So I decided that I'd still ask her on that coffee date, though it couldn't be one because of the lucky person who had already claimed her. I don't blame them though- she's a magnet. However, that didn't stop me from acting distracted every few minutes just so I could get some more time with her throughout the lesson. I was rather upset by the time the lesson was over, but also nervous because this was my time to shoot my shot and that's exactly what I did.

I asked her out for coffee, trying to make sure that she knew I wasn't asking her on a date even though I wanted to. That's when she gave me false hope, asking about the marriage part to which I dumbly thought that maybe she wasn't married and explained the rule. But she was obviously joking because she said that she was married, killing all the hope I had of her being my girlfriend one day. Still, I was euphoric anyway about her saying yes to the coffee date.

Fast forward past a week of me talking the boys' heads off about her but denying a crush and I'm in the car waiting for Yooseok to get her. I had hopped in the front seat to look cool as if I were driving- it was a dumb idea, really. But then I looked over and saw my snack that I had wrapped up in foil and left in the car.

Ahhh, snacks- an unholy temptation. I figured it wouldn't hurt if I finished it up really quickly before she came out to the car but goodness did I have bad timing. She walked up and I was caught red-handed, still trying to act cool in front of her with last night's snack halfway chewed in my mouth. I can be unbearably awkward when I'm off stage sometimes, seriously. Luckily, she didn't seem to think so and we had a nice conversation. I even asked her about her first impression of me.

Although I wish I hadn't because she's now asked me what my first impression of her was and is turned to me, waiting for me to explain. I'd went to start my sentence and made the mistake of turning toward her as well and looking in her eyes. And newsflash: it's bad timing again. It's the first time we have looked each other in the eye, and I mean really made eye contact.

Unfortunately, it just so happens to be at one of the most beautiful sceneries in Korea, and she's married, but I just so desperately want to take off our masks and kiss her as if we're in a romance movie yet I can't. And once again she's left me nervous and speechless- with a million things on my mind and not a clue on how to say them.

A/N: You finished part 5! Look at you just reading like the hot literate person you are. Anyway, what'd you think about Jungkook's perspective? Heads up btw, this will be in the ending so y'know REMEMBER IT!! Thank you for reading! Don't forget to vote, share, and comment! I hope you're enjoying the story, and have a great day/evening/night. Remember you're loved. The stories about to get crazy ;)

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