A Way to Start the Day PT.2

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So there you are. Standing, looking at him as he seemingly searches for the right words. You can't tell if he's in the clouds or trying not to hurt your feelings. No matter what his first impression of you was, you know for sure that you want to kiss him- like really badly. You want the warmth of his lips on yours as the chill fall breeze blows across your body. But you're a "married woman" who would actually like to keep her job. Plus to be fair, you just met him a week ago.

Therefore, you say nothing, and just silently search for any possibility that Jungkook wants to kiss you back by looking into his eyes. Unfortunately, the wind blows his hair into the way and suddenly you're left with no clue to his inner thoughts. You shudder from the breeze to which Jungkook takes notice and he turns to the right of you a bit. You wish that you hadn't shuddered because that gave him an excuse to switch subjects. You watch him begin to unzip his coat and you detest. "Jungkook don't do that." You gasp. "Whoops! Sorry. I meant JK."

He laughs while shaking his head nonchalantly and continues to take off his coat. "It's okay. Beside, we're not practicing English. You can call me whatever you want when we're not doing lessons honestly." He laughs a bit more and tilts his head, "Even Kookie if you want." He walks behind you and slips his coat onto your shoulders. "You know, since you don't think it's embarrassing..." He walks back around to your frontside and scratches his neck then shrugs unsurely. "...But I mean if you do find it cringe then you don't have to call me it." He looks up at you, then looks away and starts to stutter, "But I mean you don't have to do what I tell you to. I don't own you. Girl power, you know? Love women! Go women! Not in a creepy way or pick-me boy way I just-" He stops talking when he hears you laughing at his stutter. He begins to laugh as well.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to laugh." You say, calming yourself. He's so charming with everything he does, you can't help but laugh.

"No, it's fine. I just get so tongue tied when I'm around y-" he stops when he realizes what he's about to say. You look at him waiting for him to finish when someone interrupts your paused conversation.

"Excuse me?" You look past Jungkook's shoulder to see a short girl tapping his arm. She looks to be about 8-10 years old. Saved by the bell you think to yourself.

Jungkook turns around and bows. "Yes? Are we in your way? Sorry! We'll move." He says smiling under his mask.

"No. Omg, I can't believe this is happening!" She brushes her hair out of her face and smiles wide but covers it with her hand.

Jungkook turns and looks at you confused then looks back at the girl. "I'm sorry, what are you talking about?" He says, laughing, a bit confused.

"You're Jungkook, right? From BTS?" She asks, still looking at him in awe.

"Oh, um...ahaha..." Jungkook turns to you signaling for help with his eyes and you immediately get on board.

"No he's not. He's my um..."

"Boooyfriend. Yep!" Jungkook awkwardly finishes. He then shakes his head and clarifies, "I mean- she's not my boyfriend. She'd be my girlfriend- I mean she is my girlfriend. What I meant is I'm her girlfriend and she's my boyfriend-wait that came out wrong. Look, I meant to say-"

"I'm his girlfriend and he's my boyfriend." You say, as you step up beside him, saving him from the hole he was digging. He nods with a grin on his face under his mask in agreement.

"But you look so much like him...?" The girl says looking away from you and to Jungkook.

"He gets that a lot," You say. "But I assure you, he's my fine and dandy boyfriend, NOT that Jungkook guy haha."

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