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Analise's POV

"Did I interrupt anything?" The stranger's voice, with a hint of mock, boomed in the hall, making everybody's attention snap to him, including mine. The only difference between  them and me was that it was not only his voice that caught my attention. It felt like there was an entire connection, a bond that made me focus all my attention on him.

I had only heard his voice but it felt like I knew him. His voice was deep and husky, which made me feel a tingling sensation all over my body. Despite the gravelly tone of his voice, it felt like soft music to my ears. Even though his voice held a hint of mock as he spoke, it was firm. Just a few words from him were enough to know he was powerful. He sounded- he was - confident.

I never thought I would say this but I think I might have a crush solely on someone's voice.

The previous weird sensations had somehow dissipated but I could feel Crescent's excitement as she jumped around, still going on with her gibberish language.

My eyes trailed on his body, taking in every detail of his body, every muscle. He was tall, around 6ft 4 which was even taller than my father. He was dressed in a black, two-piece suit with a crisp white shirt underneath. The clothes fitted his muscular body perfectly. The material of his blazer clung to his arms like a second skin, making every muscle more defined and prominent. With the slightest movement of his hands, his muscles flexed. The white shirt did nothing to hide his well-sculpted body. A faint outline of his abs could be seen. The skin covered with tattoos peeking through the first two undone buttons suddenly made my throat go dry as I struggled to swallow.

I was definitely going insane. First his voice. Now, his body.

Finally, my eyes rested on his face. God, he was so perfect. Even at a distance, I could see his sharp facial features- sharp jawline, defined cheekbones. He had full lips and dark hair similar to mine only his were a bit darker somehow. Unlike my father and Rayan, who had their hair done neatly, his was not. Despite some of his hair being out of place, it was imperfectly perfect. The few dark strands falling on his face only made his beautiful eyes, framed by beautiful, dark lashes stand out.

I don't think I ever used the words perfect and beautiful so many times at once.

After trailing all around his face, taking in every detail I could, my eyes finally met his. Dark blue eyes that resembled sharp, pointed, dangerous icicles that could tear you in just seconds but also the peaceful, rhythmic rise and fall of the ocean stared right into my purple ones. My breath hitched in my throat.

Then it hit me.


'Mate' Crescent and I said at the same time, my eyes were probably wide as saucers. Only minutes ago, I was restless and wanted out of here, but now I was frozen, unable to move as I got captivated by him. Whatever they said about the emotions when you first lay eyes on your mate was wrong. Because right now, everything I was feeling was tenfold what they said. My entire body felt alive, a buzzing sensation taking over.

Then, realisation settled in. If he was already looking at me, then that meant he had seen me checking him out from head to toe. Just the mere thought was enough to make me blush. I felt all the blood rush to my cheeks. I was certain it did not go unnoticed by him as I saw the slightest smirk pull at the corner of his lips. I wanted to look away and hide that annoying blush from him but I could not. Everything around me disappeared as all my attention rested on him.

I did not know how to feel when my father's voice brought me back to reality. Should I be content to finally be out of the embarrassing situation of getting caught drooling over him or should I be pissed at my father for ruining the moment?

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