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Alexander's POV

"Among the list of 'most stupid people', you are currently at the top position. Congratulations Your Highness." Diana said sarcastically as she sprawled on my bed while I leaned against the doorframe of the walk-in closet.

It has been an hour since the meeting ended and I took the time to have a relaxing shower before having some peaceful time where I could clear my head after these exhausting few days but it looked like there were plans for me.

Plans I had no interest being part of.

As soon as I had stepped out of the shower, I was met with Diana- my second in command- and Adrian- my third in command- already in my room, messing with my things, knowing very well I hated people touching my things without my permission.

But then again, ever since we were kids, they never seemed to care about that. Growing up together, both of them have been a serious headache to me over the past few years. Despite being a year older than me, they still behaved like the kids they were at 6.

"For once, she actually said something that makes sense instead of the bullshit she keeps spewing all day." Adrian who was sitting a few feet away from me on the armchair commented which earned him a pillow flying straight in his face.

He threw the pillow back at a pissed Diana. "And I agree with her." He placed his feet on the small coffee table as he went through his phone.

"See!" Diana nearly exclaimed as I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Even a person with no brain is agreeing with me."

"A person with no brain is dead but I am alive. So I have one." Adrian glared at her.

"Oh, but you are not a person. You are a stupid piece of shit." Diana smiled at innocently.

"Says the girl who fainted on seeing a fake ghost at a haunted house." He mocked her.

"What are you two doing here again?" I stopped their bickering before it turned into a full fight where I had to call my guards to separate them.

"We came here to knock some sense into you." Diana sat up straight on the bed, looking straight at me. "Because apparently you have lost your head in a gutter somewhere when we arrived here." I glared at her but she continued, knowing I would not do anything to her. "You should talk to her."

"Yeah," Adrian agreed. "You make a great king but a stupid mate."

They are the only persons who could call me names and get away with it- Analise being the latest addition to the list- and they clearly took advantage of it.

"Did I ask for your opinion?" I grumbled, throwing the towel that was in my hand at Adrian.

"Can you two stop throwing shit at me?" He said, annoyed as the towel landed the on the floor.

"Your face is too tempting." Diana taunted him before looking back at me. "Come on Alex. You cannot just sit here and do nothing."

"Yeah, she seems nice." Adrian supported her. "And she is not afraid to call you out." He laughed at the end and Diana joined him.

"Asshole." Diana said with a grin on his face. "That was a first, wasn't it?" I rolled my eyes.

"Definity. Dude went ballistic that night." Adrian added.

"The door is right there." I glared at the two who had grins plastered on their face. "Leave."

"Okay, let's be serious now." She cleared her throat. "Are you going to talk to her?"

"I don't know." I replied.

"Do you like her?" I did not reply, as I looked at her. She sighed before asking, "Do you want to be with her?" Again, I stayed quiet.

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