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Diana's POV

A feeling of peace invaded my senses at the thought of Alexander finally being happy in his life. Even if he never told us all details about what went down between him, his father and mother, I knew that whatever happened had broken him.

And, it was all due to Analise.

Even if he never showed it in front of us, I knew that he truly liked her and had fallen head over heels for her. There was a subtle change in his personality and the way handles himself. I have known him since we were kids yet never saw that spark that made its appearance a few weeks ago.

I did not know much about Analise's past but I know it was nothing like described in fairytales. Neither Alexander nor Analise knew It but they were helping each other heal, seeking comfort in each other's company and mend their broken hearts.

I had only one wish- Theses two should never be separated from each other.

"What are you thinking about?" Adrian asked as he sat next to me on the grass in one of the many gardens of the palace.

"Just thinking about Alex."

"He has changed." He agreed. "And, for the better."

"Th effect of having a mate." I sighed dreamily.

"You know, I find it unfair that you are such good friends with her and here I am." He pointed at himself, rolling his eyes. "I never met her or even talked to her. I just saw her at meetings. That's it"

"It's not my fault if you are unlucky." I chuckled. "She is very nice, you know."

"Do you think she will agree to come with us to the kingdom and take her place as the queen?" Curiosity coated his words.

"I hope so." I said truthfully. "She is everything a queen needs to be. Strong. Powerful. Smart. Kind. Determined. Brave. Stands up for herself."


"You know the best part?" I asked, smiling. "She is not afraid of Alex either. She called him an asshole when he tried ignoring her."

"That was the first time someone actually voiced it out in front of him."

"It was a good thing she said it because you remember how pissed off he was after she told him that. We had no idea why he was in such a bad mood until he revealed it a few days later."

"I remember even being scared as he went ballistic and kept breaking things." He shuddered slightly at the thought.

"And here I though you were brave." I scoffed, earning myself a glare. "I am happy for him though. After al these years of thinking he was not good enough to have someone to love him, he finally found his other half."

"They make such a cute pair."

"Yeah. I just cannot wait for the time when Analise will rule next to Alex as our queen."

"What!?" Adrian and I froze at the shriek we heard from behind us. I whipped my head to the source and felt the blood draining from my face quicker than a lightning bolt illuminating the sky. I looked at Adrian who mirrored my expression.

A few feet away from us stood Rayna and Ivory.

We both scurried to our feet, facing them. "Can we help you with anything princess?" I asked politely hoping she did not hear our entire conversation but her expressions felt like a bucket of ice cold water was dropped on me.

"Oh don't act dumb." Ivory scoffed. "We heard you clearly say that Analise would become your queen. So just fucking speak."

"We are speaking with respect you. Please, don't use that tone with us." Adrian said though gritted teeth.

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