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~ The boy stood ontop of a building looking down at the dark city filled with neo lights and people. He had a group of people behind him working with him as friends.

Down below rushing up some stairs at the side of the building were a group of police men with guns. At the front as a leader was a female police with a gun too. She was leading them up towards the boy and his group.

The boy looked behind him at his group of friends and nodded towards them.

They nodded too.

Every single one of them leaped off of the building now then.

The police stopped in their tracks half way up the building then and watched the group fall.

The female growled and aimed her gun at the leading boy and took a shot.

The boy held out his weapon to block the blow and then do a counterattack- ~


An alarm clock went off at 7am in the morning, waking up Rindo Kanade; a 15 year old boy in bed in his pyjamas and with blonde bed hair.

He opened up his eyes half way slowly and groaned. He reached from underneath his blanket with his hand to switch off the alarm. He then sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes before stretching.

Another Monday, a new school to get too.

Rindo Kanade. Age 15. Gender, male. He wasn't a practically lazy kid, but for the most part, he really couldn't be bothered with most things, and would spend most of his time on his phone rather interacting by text insted of face to face, or playing on his favourite mobile game which caused him to be outdoors for the most part.

His home town was the busy streets of Shibuya; in Japan, Asia.

His new school was just down the alleyway streets near the biggest building in Shibuya. It's trade mark really: The tower of 104.

Because the school was so close to this infamous landmark, it's name was: 104 Shib Academy. Already it sounded like a ridiculous name to Rindo; made up by a drunkard who was a big fanboy of the danmed building.

But his mother insisted she would move closer to this school as it was such a famous school with the highest education. And the fact that her new job was in the tower 104.

So this morning, after Rindo got ready and had his breakfast, she drove him there before telling him he had to make his own way back before driving to work.

Rindo was stuck here for the rest of the day now. But at least he had his phone on him and a new area to find new monsters on his mobile game...


Rindo entered what looked like the front entrance of the school- I mean, what else could it be it was so fairly obvious.

After entering, Rindo already felt lost as to be expected. And the crowd of students didn't help either.

He sighed and looked around. He didn't even know where his first class was suppossed to be. This was going to be tough.

But first, out of this crowd and actually in a less crowded hallway.

So Rindo wormed his way through the school students and through the reception room. Out in the halls weren't any better though.

Great. He was never getting out of here alive.

He contuined to worm his way through the crowd, and at first it seemed endless and hopeless; and maybe he was being overdramatic, but he felt like he was going to suffocate right here and now.

But then he had seemed to have accidentally tripped over somebody's foot while trying to past them. If nobody had suddenly caught a hold of him to stop him from falling, then Rindo would have become a stamping model for the next minute.

Rindo looked up to see who had caught him in the crowd, and saw that it was another student male with weirdly cut brown hair.

Rindo blinked: "Uh....."

The one that rescued him smiled down at him; almost like he was proud of being a little heroic for a brief moment. He spoke almost immediately after catching Rindo: "Hey man, you okay there? Whoa, that sure was a close one."

"Y...Yeah..." Rindo felt the hands of him on his shoulders loosen up now, before his wrist was grabbed and pulled: "Come on, I'll help you out."

And he did indeed, and now Rindo and the student were now standing under the stairs in another hallway where they could breathe.

This is where the student introduced him: "Hi there, my name is Tosai. Tosai Furesawa." He pointed at himself; grinning proudly. Wow, he was really gloating, wasn't he?

Then Tosai asked Rindo: "So, what's your name?"

"Rindo Kanade." Rindo seemed to answer with a shrug and a blunt voice.

Tosai pointed at Rindo with both his fingers on each hand: "So, I can call you Rindude then."

"Do you have too?"


Rindo sighed. His rescuer turned out to be a right weirdo.

Tosai Furesawa. Age 15 years old. Gender is male. He is the true meaning of extroverted, and really enjoys other people's company. He loves having conversations; mostly light hearted, and he is very easy going. Very weird though.

"Right Rindude, you can call me Fret if you so please." Tosai contuined then.

At this, Rindo just slightly tilted his head with a bit of a raised eyebrow, and he said: "Sounds like a new form of a swear word."

"Cool right?"

"Are you even listening?"

But after he said that, it was clear that Tosai had STOPPED listening to Rindo after he mention his nickname, and he looked about at the crowd.

He was looking for an opening in the crowd, but couldn't find one, so he looked back at Rindo again: "Hey, so anyway, I don't think I have actually seen your face around school."

"Just how many people do you know?" Rindo seemed to find this surprising though he only showed it mildly on his face.

But Tosai dodged the question, and he asked Rindo: "So, are you new here?"

"Yeah, actually." Rindo said at this. "I just started today, and my first class is with a teacher called: Mr. Yusuke in a"

"Ah! I know who you are talking about." Tosai seemed to seriously know everybody here maybe. Wonder how long he's been here now.

"Tell you what, I'll help you get there." Tosai added then with a broader smile.

"You would do that?"

"Yes, and then after, let's be friends and meet up at lunch. How does that sound?"

"Meh, sounds good to me." Rindo shrugged.

And Tosai cheered before helping Rindo along the crowded hallways and to his classroom's first class; making his first friend in this year...

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