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The gym teacher: Kamashida, was standing right before Rindo, Tosai and Morgana; here in the prison like area.

But he wasn't wearing the teacher's uniform like how they usually see him in. Though they wished he had because the only thing he was wearing was a black, tight speedo and a red cape around his shoulders. A golden crown sat upon his head and he stood there grinning with his arms folded. So not only did he look like a king, he acted one too.

At the sight of him, Morgana pulled a disqusted face, and muttered: "Damn, huge ego am I right?"

Real pissed now, Tosai stepped forward and pointed at his teacher: "Are you the one that is doing this to the students?!"

"And what the hell do you get off on this stuff anyway?" Rindo finally added with a mumble.

This only brought Kamashida to grin more at this, and he raised his chin so it was as if he was looking down upon them like insects: "Mmm? You act like this surprises you? Did you expect me to give the worms some flowers and cover them with rainbows?"

"You're a rotten egg!" Tosai yelled.

Again, something Rindo didn't think he was capable of doing.

At this, Kamashida burst out laughing and threw his head back; like as if he had just heard the funniest joke in the world.

Tosai didn't know what to make of it.

And then Kamashida said: "Well, that's rich, coming from a slave!"

"A slave?" Rindo raised an eyebrow in question at this.

Kamashida then suddenly had an evil look in his eyes now: "You bastards need to learn a thing or two about your places in this world it appears."

This caused all 3 of the intruders spines to tingle in a sudden feeling of fear.

What did he mean by that?

And then it happened: They were all suddenly surrounded by knights; Kamashida's bodyguards, the ones that found them in the kitchen the first time around.


...The two boys and cat were dragged by the guards (Morgana carried) for quite some time until they were brought to a throne room; where Kamashida sat on his throne next to a standing cruserfix on a platform. He sat there with a smile upon his face as he watched his guards beat up the 3 intruders.

The beating lasted between 5 to 10 minutes, and by the end of it, the 3 were lying on the ground in great agony.

Kamashida narrowed his eyes then with pleasure and he licked his lips.

He really got off on this kind of stuff, it was sickening.

It had been silent for a couple of seconds, and Tosai moved his head and looked at Rindo: "R...R-Rindo, how are you holding up?" He asked.

Rindo lay there with his eyes closed and all tensed up, but he heard Tosai, and answered: "I....don't...think so..."

"You'll live." Kamashida said then.

Tosai moved to look back up at the despicable man.

Then Kamashida gestured to two of his guards: "Bring the smaller wimp up here."

Seeming to know exactly what to do, the two guards bent down to pull Rindo to his feet, and then they dragged him forward.

"!" Rindo fought for his freedom despite his whole body wrecking of pain. But the guards were much bigger and stronger then him, and forced him to the cruserfix.

On the wooden cross were straps for the wrists and ankles, and the guards forced them upon Rindo.

Rindo contuined to fight them, but to the end he failed and was now strapped to the cross.

The guards backed away then.

"Rindo..." Tosai's whole body shook. He was in too much pain to move.

Morgana close by seemed unconscious.

Kamashida looked on over at Rindo displayed, and he chuckled then.

What a bastard.

Kamashida then stood up and now was holding a little remote with one large red button on it.

Rindo glanced at it, and was hoping it wasn't for what he thought it was for.

But it was, and when Kamashida pressed it, it sent electronic from the wood to Rindo's body, and Rindo threw his head back and screamed in agony.

Tosai gasped at this in horror.

Why would he do such a thing?

"STOP IT!" Yelled Tosai.

Kamashida lifted his finger from the button, and Rindo's body went limp.

"You have two options Tosai Furesawa." Kamashida then spoke: "You can either leave now, or I'll keep hurting him. Or you can stay here and die with him."

"How about releasing him?" Tosai growled.

"Two." The teacher simply said, and placed his finger back down on the button, and Rindo started screaming again as electricity shot through his body once more.

Tosai gasped, but Kamashida wouldn't stop. So eventually, Tosai got up, picked up Morgana, and ran out.

He could still hear the screams of Rindo...

...Once knowing the boy had gone, Kamashida walked onto the platform and towered over Rindo's now once again limp body.

He grabbed Rindo by the cheeks then and pulled so they were eye to eye now: "Hee. I'm going to enjoy torturing you."

Rindo gritted his teeth but said nothing.

But he really, really, hated this man.

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