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Fleur De Verre

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Fleur De Verre. Etched in golden calligraphy, is the first thing my eyes landed on as I stepped out of my car. From the car park, it's only written in a small logo beneath my name and title. It means 'Glass Flower' in French; a fragile little name for a dainty flower shop in the great city of London. Don't get it twisted, this 'dainty' little place is capable of more than just outshining every rose in the city. We also sell fragrances, oils, fresh cocoa and we arrange for events—definitely more than I bargained for.

This morning's rush and exhaustion felt miles away as soon as I'd gotten dress and complained about the mess in my flat when I was its only tenant. I pathetically cleaned up a few mugs before giving it a rest and had gotten ready for work instead. Dressing plainly in a burgundy blouse and white jeans and a coat that could block out the cold autumn air.

And at last, here I stood waiting to enter the shop with a cup of stale coffee in hand and my phone on the other, busy looking at the few emails I'd received overnight.

"Good morning, ma'am." Is the first murmurs I hear from my colleagues who smiled brightly and busied themselves with the displays for the day. I smiled at them and even helped one perch up the new lilies that came the night before in front of the shop. There are only a few minutes left before we open after all.

"Ms Garcia! Good Morning," Leah, my assistant greets me as I make my way upstairs where my office awaits. Our loud steps vibrated the wooden steps and she finally continued, "just to let you know, our supplier from Tuscany said that the new shipments should arrive today and that they made sure they are in top shape. And also, Ms Bedford is in your office."

"She's early," I say as we stopped at my door to look at my watch. I smile, thankful for the updates only for me to notice what once was Leah's gorgeous blonde locks that had now been painted red. I grinned. "Thank you, Leah...I never knew red was your colour,"

The smile she had was priceless.

"Lexi." I opened the door, "Why so early?"

The woman—who was carelessly snooping in my snack drawer—turned around so casually and smiled.

"Oh come on, are you not happy to see the greatest woman in your life?" She said with a wisp of her Russian tongue.

I rolled my eyes...then opened my arms for her to run into. Her fashionably curled blonde hair drapes over my arms as she squeezed me tight. I guess she never found another perfume better than her notable lavender.

As we pulled apart, she held onto my arms and looked at me. Her wide blue eyes looked at me up and down as though she hadn't seen me in forever when in reality, it's only been two days.

"Wow, you look so different," she teased and I swat her arms away, chuckling as I made my way to my desk—her fruity laugh trailing me.

"You could have just texted me the details you know, you didn't have to come here in person," I say, not intending to sound so dismissive but I did anyway.

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