29 | know the rules before breaking them

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I scoffed in vexation — feeling some type of betrayal surging through me as he accepted his gaze

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I scoffed in vexation — feeling some type of betrayal surging through me as he accepted his gaze. Suddenly I felt like I was stepping on pins and needles. Breathing in and out in an attempt to calm my nerves, I sat back and crossed my arms.

"We know someone, a family friend who is willing to do this. He agreed to meet you and if you say the same, that can be arranged." Lorelei suggested calmly as if me shooting daggers at the smirking Ezekiel wasn't enough of a response.

"This is just for the gala, yes?" I asked, pinning a finger onto the pages of the plan.

"Yes, after then this whole ordeal will be kept in confidence," Leon reassured me. "We just need some photos of you and him in candid settings and that's it. Tell the press that he want to be kept private —"

"That sounds permanent," I cut him off. "What if one day I want to actually end this ruse?"

The room delved into silence once more, they shared suspecting looks and Daniel had a perplexed gaze.

"You're not actually suggesting going public about this one day..." Daniel chuckled but stopped when I didn't. "Right?"

"The only thing stopping me right now is my impending legal battle with my mother. I don't want to give her any more ammunition than she already has. Otherwise — this ruse wouldn't be needed." I tell him, face to face with annoyance obviously protruding my gentle tone.

Guilt washed over his demeanour and I lay off.

"Then we'll tell the whole world it was a ruse. Conspiracy theorists will be happy about it, won't they?" Zeke expanded on the idea and I just shook my head.

"And diminish your credibility?" I looked around the room, keeping my gaze at Loralei who only observed me keenly. "I think that's beyond your better judgement."

"What would you suggest then?" She asked calmly despite my rather hostile approach.

"I'll simply convince them,"

"You? Convince them? I think we're better off actually pretending to marry." Zeke returned and I sucked my teeth in irritation.

"Either one is an act. I'm better off acting something half real than not at all." I said.

"Will you be able to be that convincing?" Leon asked with much scepticism.

"I grew up in lies. I think I can sell a single one that concerns me." My patience was wearing thin. I understand that my credibility isn't quite the height that I'd hoped it would be so I understand their worries.

But if there was something dubious that I'm good at — it's selling a big lie.

"If we do this, you'll be responsible for things that transpire at this party," Daniel reiterated and my anger in him subsides just a little. I'm afraid that him signing me off onto another ruse like some gambler's horse won't be easily forgotten. Though, I can see his reasons.

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