Chapter 13....

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Coming to the ice rink to find Wyatt was a hasty decision made when Lydia kept talking nonstop about it. Her little speech about me going out and grabbing the world by its balls and finding Wyatt had me up and out of my seat moments later. I was halfway to the rink with Wyatt's jersey sitting in the passenger seat when I started to second guess it.

Showing up to the rink when I knew he would be practicing was severely stalkerish, more so than asking around what his apartment number was. As I drove up to the arena where they held practice, all I could imagine was the weirded out look on his face when he sees me. Probably wondering why I showed up.

When I got up to the security booth near the front I almost turned around. I was close to saying fuck it and leaving. I was gripped the steering wheel so hard my knuckles were turning white. I just prayed I wasn't going to make the biggest fool out of myself by being here.

Getting past the security guard took a few minutes. He looked at me like I was some thief trying to get in and steal something. When I showed him Wyatt's jersey he literally grabbed it from me to look it over until he finally allowed me through. Apparently on the players jersey, there was some sort of mark to let people know it wasn't a fake. Still wasn't entirely sure how I managed to get in, my mind blocking it all out.

I had the wobbliest legs when I walked through the doors. Every part of me screaming to turn around and leave before I embarrass myself. But I had this urge inside of me to see him again. Even if nothing came of it and I just gave him his jersey and left but I had to know.

So when I heard someone call out to me and heads turned, my breathing almost stopped when I locked eyes with one player. I chewed on my bottom lip as I waited for him to demand why I was here. I could feel all the players eyes on me making me feel even more self-conscious.

My heart rate picked up as Wyatt started skating towards me. The moment he took his helmet off I felt like the breath had been knocked from my lungs. His brown hair was a shade darker from sweat and stuck to his forehead. His cheeks were tinged red and he was panting. Even sweaty he was attractive. Fuck he looked better than he did in the elevator.

The conversation between us was almost a blur. I could feel the awkwardness pouring off of me with every second. And when Wyatt's two friends came over I almost combusted. Of course his friends were just as hot as he was. I recognized both Bryton and Trevor before they introduced themselves. The three of them were the trio that practically made the team.

Trevor and Bryton were the Wingers while Wyatt was the center. Numbers 18 and 25 on the team. So in other words the two of them protected Wyatt when he scores, keeping the other players out of the way. The fact that I just met two of them was a bit crazy. Aside from Wyatt they were most popular and talented players on the team. Without them I don't think the team would be as good as they are. Wyatt, Trevor and Bryton were the three people you didn't want to go up against on the ice.

Seeing the look on Wyatt's face as his friends talked to me I could tell I was over stepping. I came to drop the jersey off and I did, time to go. I was trying not to show the disappointment and hurt on my face when I turned to leave only to hear his voice again.

"Wait." He called out making me slowly turn around. "Are you free right now?"

His words threw me but hope flared in my chest. Was he asking me out?

"Yeah I'm free."

"Want to go grab something to eat?" I almost thought I imagined the words leaving his mouth until it sink. He wanted to get something to eat. With me!

"You do owe me a hamburger." I said thinking back to the nutrition bar in the elevator.

"I do." Nothing could stop the grin from appearing on my face. "I'll be out in five minutes. Wait for me?" The hopeful look on his face had me instantly nodding. If he asked me to wait an hour I would.

Wyatt took off seconds later causing me to laugh. His friends shook their head at him.

"We are glad you showed up before he drove us crazy." Trevor said.

"Not in the mood to try and convince him to find you again." Bryton added causing my eyebrows to raise. Wait does that mean he talked about me to them? Before I could ask them more they stepped back.

"Better go before he sees us talking to his girl. It was nice to meet you Josie." Trevor said with a smile. If I had seen that smile three days ago I probably would have swooned but instead my mind was stuck on someone else's smile.

"You too." I smiled back.

"Hope to see you again." Bryton added before the two of them skated off. When they left my mind immediately snagged on two words Trevor said. His girl.

I just met Wyatt there is no way I'm his girl. I wasn't anything at this point. Just the girl that he got stuck in the elevator with...and now getting something to eat with. I couldn't let myself get ahead of myself.

In past relationships I always fell too fast. I was always the one who developed feelings first only to have my heart crushed they didn't feel the same way. I was the one in the relationship that gave all of myself and let them in only for them to leave. I've learned my lesson and ever since I've told myself not to get attached too soon. To not gain hope until I was sure of the other persons feelings.

And I had to be that way right now with Wyatt. I couldn't let myself hope that something could happen between us. That whatever passed between us in the elevator could be more. Even if the smile he gave me made me feel butterflies in my stomach. I had to be strong and not allow myself to get invested too fast.

But when I saw Wyatt making his way towards me five minutes later with a wide grin I knew it was already a lost cause. 

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