chapter 54

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Cough* cough* cough*

'Look Joonie... this is getting serious... I will definitely taking him to Doctors now... but look at him protesting to even talk from the very morning.... I can't with this boy... if he really get fever out of eating Icecream... then I swear I am gonna ban any Icecream for him till eternity....'

Seokjin says walking back and forth... inside of the living room.. he is restless from the morning because his brother is behaving strange... it was just some mere coughs yesterday but from today he is even not talking to anybody..if you force him anything he will just snap at you...this is not his usual behavior... which is making him scared... and about doctors... he don't trust any doctor with his brother.... he is kind of extra possessive....Taehyung himself hates Doctors too...because they have injections....

'Jini please come down if he anyhow hears you he will freak out... let just do it smoothly... we know how Tae hate Doctors and injections...'

'We can't just sit like boss now right? There's we must do something otherwise its 11 in the morning... he still not eating anything not even waking up... and follows the little one too... they will catch fever too if this goes on....'

Seokjin said this time massaging his scalp...
'Wait let me call my friend Hobi here... He will definitely help us...'

'Wait Dr. Hoseok? Oh no no.. he is a busy doctor.. how will he come here?'

'I don't know but we can try at least right.. he loves our Taetae very much...wait let me try...'

With that Namjoon walk out from the room to make a call.

Whereas Seokjin again walks towards Taehyung's room with a concerned face.


He called entering the room.. there are the two cuddling on bed...

'Bubs.. wake up.. its 11 in the morning... you slept enough...'

But for his dismay Taehyung again just ignored his brother and turned towards the wall.

This is really worrying Seokjin to the core...

Should I call Jeongguk?

Oops no first let me talk to doctor Hoseok...

But Taetae never behave like this.. instead he becomes more clingy when he is sick.. what happened this time...

Yaah I will definitely gonna snatch his every Icecream from now on...

I will warn Jeongguk too....

Suddenly his inner thoughts got interrupted by Taehyung's phone call ringing...
His husband is calling...


'Hey baby, what happened? Are you still sick? You didn't call me today...I am now late.. for office....'

'Do you think my brother as an alarm hah???'

'Oops.. Hyung... hey um..ab.. good morning Hyung....'

'Good morning to you too.. Taetae is sleeping... do you need something?'

'Sleeping? Hyung... is he ok? Should I go there?'

'A-b a-ah no no..Jeon boy.. nothing to worry like this... he is just coughing... obviously he will... like is there anyday left without him eating Icecream? I will definitely sue every Icecream man if he get sick....'

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