chapter 56

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⚠️warning: what God plans, is always extra from our imagination... let's just stay strong.

(Angst warning)


'Hyung... Taehyung is

Hoseok says coming out but trying hard to response softly seeing the others condition...

This is it.... Seokjin can finally breath now... his shaking legs .... his shaking hands are taking break too...

He has been sitting there for 3 hours... yes 3 hours... there has been no news coming from inside.

If the doctor would be someone stranger he would definitely create a drama here.. but he had full faith on Doctor Hoseok....

'Th-ank you doctor-'


Here comes the heart attack...


'Only physically, he was having a food poisoning but I found something serious too....sigh* we have to discuss.we can't wait for Jeon Jeongguk to come....'


'Hyung please come to my room..we can't talk anything here.....don't worry Taetae is safe with my'

'No no.. I can't leave hi-

'She is my wife Sumi.....Hyung... I have full faith on my wife.. taetae is safe..
Please come its urgent plus personal....let's not doubt people..arguing here..'

'But-but bub is okay right?'

'He is just sleeping...while having proper  nutrition.... don't worry...(smile)'

Seokjin's heart is throbbing ten times faster... with a gulp he just follows the other.

What can it be...? Is it serious? Oh no no he will die if something happens.....

After reaching the room...

'Hyung please sit... and take some water... whatever I am going to say is kind of serious but don't worry... he is okay until... it stays between us only...'

'I- i- shall I call his Husband?'

'Oh not now.. I would like you to know first... then you will decide whom to trust or not..'

'Dr. I don't understand your rectangular languages... please tell me that he is okay... please...'



'Taetae is suffering from Schizophrenia hyung...'

Suddenly Seokjin bursted out crying..... only by hearing the name.. which he never in his life heard anywhere...why now?

'What is snif* this snif* doctor...snif*...please my Tae will get  well right.?..this snif* is not serious?.'

'Hyung please don't loose your sanity-


'Hyung.... it's a mental disorder...although it's not a rare case but still the treatment is rare... This disese characterizes by distortion in thinking, emotions ....'

'Ple-ase te-ll m-e he is okay...sniff*'

'He is now okay...thank god we caught it in very first stage... but he is drowsing in will lead him to hallucinate slowly his memories will fade ... he will stop communication....'

|TAEKOOK| Home Is Where The Heart Is ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon